The Incident

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I got to Lindsey's about 20 minutes late, and I knew she would freak out. She always freaks out when I'm late, especially when I'm late to leave for the leafs games. I open the door, without knocking, because we are bestfriends. "Lins? Where are you?" I yell to her. "I'm coming! You're late!" She tells me, appearing in the living room. We both live in apartments, although Will and Lindsey are looking into buying a house, because they want a family. Their kids would be cute. "Okay let's go! I don't want to be late, he'll be mad at me if I'm late" She says, putting the dog in the cage. "Why does it seem like you do everything he says? Just because he wants you to go, doesn't mean you have to go." I ask her, curiously. "Because he's my boyfriend, and I want to make him happy because he makes me feel the same way."She tells me, opening the door. "I guess it makes sense." I tell her, going outside. I know exactly her spot, the one on the far left, about 6 steps way from the garbage. We both get in, and we drive away. "Sushi spot?" She asks me, knowing my answer. "Of course. You know that's where we always go." I tell her, as she pulls into Sushi Spot. We both order the pork ramen noodle bowl. "These are the best, I'm so glad I moved here." I tell her, taking another bite. "I know. I came here for my 7th birthday and that was the first time I had ever had it. It was amazing." She tells me, finishing her bowl. We both throw our stuff away and go out to the car. Sushi Shop is right by the arena, so it's a quick drive. We get free priority parking because Lindsey is dating Will. So we park and enter, and scan our tickets. "Okay so I have a friend I'm meeting here, do you want to come with me, or do you want to go to the seats?" She asks me, puling out her phone. "I'll go back to the seats." I tell her, heading to our normal seats. I see nobody else in the section, so I stretch out my feet. Lindsey arrives back in the 1st intermission, and I have been looking for her. She looks sad, and also mad. "Lindsey! What's going on?" I ask her, concerned. "I had sex with him, please keep my secret." She tells me. "What? I'm so confused. What's going on?" I ask her, shocked. "My friend that came was my high school boyfriend, and we only broke up because he had to move away from me." She tells me, looking sad. "Why would you do that to Will? He's going to find out" I tell her, worried. "He won't find out unless you tell him. I've done this before, and he hasn't found out." She tells me, looking happier. "I just can't believe this. You told me he made you happy. If you would do this to him, what would you do to me?" I ask her. "I wouldn't do anything to you, I only did it to him because I found him cheating on me a few days ago, with his high school girlfriend." She tells me. "Oh. Its' still not good to do that. If he cheated on you, you should have a conversation with him about it, but not hook up with you high school boyfriend, as much as you may want to." I tell her, as the game starts. "Let's watch the game, we'll talk about this later." She tells me, on her phone. The whole second period, all I could think about was what was going to happen after the game, at Lindsey's apartment. When Will get's mad, he get's mad. And it's not a good sight to have.  The score after the second period was 5-0. "Can we talk about this now? I don't want to talk about this when Will get's here, or with Mitch there either." I ask her. "Okay. What do you want to know I guess?" She asks me. "I just want to know where this happened. How can you hook up with someone in a hockey arena?" I ask her, confused. "We did it in the family bathroom, and I'm good about being quiet." She tells me. "Why would you do that? I just don't understand what was going through your head." I told her, disappointed. "I just wanted to get him back I guess. I wasn't really thinking." She told me, sounding sad. "Linds you have to tell him. I know he gets mad, but he won't be as mad if you just tell him." I tell her, frowning. I know how mad he gets, and I'm sensitive to anger, because my dad got mad a lot when I was growing up, and it gives me anxiety attacks, but I'll be okay, it's not about me anyways. "I don't want to you. Because I know your're sensitive to anger, and I know how upset that get's you,  and I don't want you to see him mad." She tells me. "Lindsey you can't worry about me. It's either you or me." I tell her. "Wait if I don't tell him, you will?" She asks me. "Yes. He will find out, and it's better for you to tell him than for anyone else." I tell her, as the Canadians come out of the locker room. "I'll l'll tell him tonight. Let's watch the game." She tells me, clapping for the Leafs because they are coming out of the locker room. The third period went great. Lindsey and I acted like nothing happened. They won the game, and Will was one of the 3 stars. After the game was over, we go to meet them downstairs. Here we go. 

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