Secret's Out

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After about 20 minutes of waiting, they both finally come out of the dressing room, both of them look really good. "Hey bitch" Lindsey says, as she kisses him, she looks super happy with him. "So I guess you and I are spending the night together, eh?" Mitch says, as he smiles. "Yeah something like that!" I say, smiling back."Has anyone ever told you that you have a really cute smile?" He tells me, pulling out his phone. "No nobody's ever told me that. I've actually been told it's unattractive." I tell him, laughing nervously. "Who's said that?" He says, as we walk away,  with Lindsey and Will holding hands. "People said it all the time in high school." I tell him.  "Whoever said that clearly needs glasses. Cause what I see is a beautiful person, with a beautiful smile." He says. "You two good over there? You need a room?" Lindsey asks us. "I don't think so. Not yet at least." Mitch says, grabbing my arm. "Not yet? What are you trying to say?" I ask him, laughing. "Whatever. I think you know what I'm trying to say." He tells me, opening the door for me. Lindsey and I take our car, and Mitch and Will take their own cars. "I'll see you at home" Will tells Lindsey, kissing her. "He's so into you" Lindsey tells me, laughing. "I don't think so." I tell her, thinking of him again. "He had your hand in his! And plus, he told me he liked you, because I asked him to come over and then I told him you were coming and he told me he liked you." She told me, pulling up to the house. Just as we pull up, the two boys did as well. "It's cold as hell!" I tell Mitch, as he's right behind me. "I'll warm you up, it's not normally this cold." He says, giving me his jacket. "No it's okay. I don't want you to be cold." I tell him, smiling. "I don't are if I'm cold, I want you to be warm! Plus, it looks cute on you." He says, opening the door for me. He still has my hand in his, and I feel amazing.  "Are you three hungry?" Lindsey asks us, taking off her jacket. "Always. You know that" Will says, grabbing her by the waist. "I wasn't realllyyy asking you, but I included you in that." She says, laughing. "I'm not that hungry." I say, going outside. Mitch follows me out. "What's up? Something has seemed wrong with you all night." He says, hugging me. "Well, don't tell Will, but Lindsey and her high school boyfriend had sex at the game, before it started. She's going to tell him, and I'm nervous about it because I'm sensitive to anger.  My dad has anger issues." I tell him, looking inside to see Will and Lindsey talking. "What? I would never expect her to-" He says, being cut off by Will yelling. I automatically get scared, and I start breathing heavier. "Woah. I knew he got mad but he looks really mad. Are you okay?" He asks me, putting his arm around me. "I don't know. I don't like this at all. And I was the one who suggested this anyways."  I say, starting to cry, I lean on his shoulder. "It's okay. Have you ever seen him mad?" He asks me, running his hand through my hair. "No not like this" I say, as the yelling gets louder. "Don't cry. Everything will be okay. He calms down pretty fast once you talk to him. Please don't cry." He says, wiping my tears with his thumb. He hugs me even harder, and then kisses me on my forehead. "I haven't known you for that long but that doesn't change my opinion on you. I really do love you." He tells me. "I was so excited for tonight but now it's not really the same as I thought it was going to be." I said opening the door. He grabs my waist, and we both go inside. "Hey hey hey Willie calm down. I know what happened  but you have to calm down."  Mitch tells him, separating the two. "She had sex with some guy who she dated in high school! She's a slut!" He says, pushing him away. I notice that Lindsey has tears in her eyes, and after the conversation we had at the game, I know why. I pull her into the kitchen and hug her. "He went to far, but you should sit him down and apologize." I tell her. She goes out there and I try to overhear their conversation. "Are you better now?" Mitch says, entering the kitchen. "Yeah. Thanks for calming him down." I tell him, breathing more steadily. "Anything for you" He says, hugging me. I hug him back, and everything feels right. "If you couldn't tell, I'm really into you." He says, holding my hand. "Yes I could tell. I'm into you even more." I say, sitting on the counter.  He puts his hands on my thighs, and he says: "You're safe here". 

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