Move.. trial 2.

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The rest of the night went amazing. He asked me out, and we are now dating. It feels amazing. I've always wanted to date a hockey player, but it hasn't happened until now. It's now 3 weeks after the night that Lindsey told Will about the incident. They had a week break from dating each other, but they went back to each other. Mitch asked me to move in with him, and of course I said yes. He's coming over to help me pack any minute now. I don't have very many things because I did move in 5 weeks ago. "Wow you made some progress" Mitch says, walking in the door. "Yeah I guess if you call this progress" I say, pointing to all the empty boxes. "It's pretty good progress, considering where you started." He says, putting his arm around my waist. "Can we get packing? I ask him. "Yeah, we should probably get packing." He tells me, letting go. We pack for about 3 hours, and get the boxes loaded into the car.  "That was really hard work" I say, leaning on his shoulder. "We did good. But theres nothing left! We can't sit!" He says, pulling my hair back. "Can you put my hair back? I'm hot" I tell him, handing him a rubber band. "I know you're hot, I have eyes. But sure I'll put it back." He says, laughing. "'Oh shut up" I  say, rolling my eyes. He pulls my hair back, and puts it up in a ponytail. I  can feel his hand touching my neck, and he leans down and kisses my neck. He's right by my ear. "I love you" He whispers into my ear. "I love you too" I say, turning around an hugging him. He picks me up, and I start laughing. "You want me to put you down?" He says, turning me around, so I'm facing him. "Yeah of course!"  I say, laughing. "Kiss me" He says. I kiss him, and he puts me down. We kiss for probably 2 minutes, and I end up being pushed on the wall, and I can tell you that if we had a bed there, we would have hooked up. "We can finish this once we get to my house" He says, holding my hand. We leave, and I turn in my keys. As we drive home, I grab his hand and realize that we are official. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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