OB's Note

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Hello my dearies....me urs Phanikiran...came with one more book which hv  Mostly WEEKEND UPDATES

This book contains the story of the 3 OBEROI BROTHERS...who shares an unbreakable bond...

The 3 different personalities with different characters ...but tied by the eternal bond called BROTHERHOOD..

How they stand for each other nd how they come out from the odds nd how they win over their enemies...

The lead characters nd the actors r same....but the new character will come as per the need of the story..

This story includes the 3 brothers love story but mostly concentrates on Brothers bond...

This story maximum out of track ....may be some will match to the original show...

I am giving this story on the request of one of my lovely readers @nikichavan20....thank u dear for the plot..

well guys ...here some of the questions which needs ur opinions....pls dont avoid to read nd give replies...

Here r the questions.

👉 Plz suggest plots that shows the strong bond between the brothers.....plz keep in mind the point that is the scenes wont match to the scenes of the original show...bcz those scenes already shown in original one...its a request..

👉 I know my lovely readers hv beautiful ideas....so plz give some scenes ...I will chose from them nd will try to give them with beautiful discription nd try to satisfy ur hearts...

👉 wt profession u want for Bhavya....u all know about her role in original show ..

👉 in my Story Bhavya is not elder than Rudra ...she is may be equal or 1 yr smaller than him...plz keep this point while u suggest her profession.....I will chose one from ur suggestion that suits the story..

👉 wt type of enemies u need in the story...back stabbers or the direct enemies from out side......in fact I was fed up with the back stabbers in the original one so I asked it..

😊 Well guys ....plz dont avoid to give replies.....If u wont feel comfort in sharing ur ideas here in the comment box then pls DM me....I will check it..

👍 No urgency in giving ur opinions but dont take too much time .......U will start giving ur opinions nd suggestions after first 2 parts..

Hope u all will love this story too...


Well guys will meet with OB's # 1 by tomorrow...OB's means Oberoi Brothers..

Waiting to see ur response ....signing off here...

with love


1 Soul 3 Bodies They R None Other Than OBEROI BROTHERS( ON-HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now