OB's # 2

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Hi everybody....here is the next one ....

Enjoy it nd dont forget to give feedback ...

Plz ignore the mistakes ....thank u..

Dont forget to share ur ideas nd opinions without fails....

***plz keep the point that is THIS STORY IS A WEEKEND STORY ...I WILL UPLOAD ONLY ON WEEKENDS..hope u all will understand nd cooperate with me...thank u all nd love u lots***


Hearing the name OBEROI BROTHERS....Alok, the nephew of the club Onwer was shocked ....he remembered his father's words nd warning too..as

"Alok ..carefully listen to me....u r going to India....that too to Mumbai.....I hv a good reputation in Mumbai business world....in which Business collage u r going to join has its own reputation....I am sending u there to see a change in ur behavior ....I dont mind if u will learn good things nd change ur behavior but dont try to spoil my name there....nd dont create troubles to me....nd keep away from the persons who r not only popular but also hv a uniquness nd have a power of unity nd do anything for their loving persons...especially dont touch Oberoi Brothers ....we r running our business successfully in India bcz of Obeoris.....i know ur mentality nd ur dirty habits too....understand...I think u got my words....nd remember If I come to know that u r going against the 3 brothers.....I will forget that u r my son....now leave'"

He cameout from his thoughts with his friend's call nd looked around ....the club was empty...

Alok: Rakesh ...why dont u tell me about that guy when u know him...asked

" I tried to tell u but u didnt listen to me naa"....said Rakesh feeling fear inside...as one of the 3 guys indentified Rakesh...

"alright....wt that idiot is doing"....he asked about the guy who stopped him

"wo...he is an MBA student in the same collage where u got admission.."said Rakesh

"oh ..thats a good thing"...he said

"yaar....he is doing his final year nd has a good reputation not only among the students but also in the management nd faculty too as a bright student"....he said

"so what...meinhunaa to destroy "...saying he left...

Rakesh nd others looked at him in fear feeling "he want to play with most dangerous Lions nd want to hunt the terrible Tigers....the two acts r very dangerous bcz if any one touch any one of them ... the dangerous MONSTER DEVIL ...will come out from them..."....


In a posh locality....the silence of the locality was disturbed by the car which was entered in the locality nd stopped in front of a banglow....the security ..noticing the car ...he silently opened the gate with a salute...

The car entered nd was stopped on the way to portico....

"why we came here"...asked the youngest one to his big brother...identifying the surroundings as where they came

"if we go to Mansion with this scratch at this time....Dadi will hurt ..."...said the big brother...

"is it necessary to go inside"....asked the middle brother...

"wts ur problem to go inside"...asked the big brother while getting down from the car....

"kaise kahu yaar.....if u once hear my heart beat u will come to know wts my problem"....murmuring the middle one got down from the car...

1 Soul 3 Bodies They R None Other Than OBEROI BROTHERS( ON-HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang