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The faint beeping  of different machines could be heard as the young man began regaining consciousness. Looking  around, he  remembered where he was, and why he was there.

The heart transplant...

He was in a hospital bed with several medical equipment attached to his body. He further examined the room realizing the time as he looked toward the window. It was dark outside, pitch black actually.

The drapes had just enough distance between them to allow some of the moon's light to shine inside of the room. Just enough light for him to read the clock on the white wall. It was four in the morning.

"How long was I out?" he muttered to himself.

He further examined the dimly lit room, taking into account each detail.

It took him a while to notice the figure laying on the sofa. Their body resembles that of someone he knew. They were  laying on their side facing him. The slow rising and falling of their chest indicated they were sleeping. He couldn't see their face correctly due to the lighting, but he had an idea who they were. Who she was...

Welcome to 'His Mind'!!👏👏

After a long time of thinking and failing to do anything else (💔) I decided to come back to the one concept that actually worked for me.

Originally this book was going to be called 'His Heart' but then the lack of creativity popped up. So then I tried 'Her Memory' but went of topic and forgot the story plot.

Thus 'His Mind' was born!

I don't wanna give away too many spoilers but prepare to be confused cause this is gonna be one bumpy ride🤠

(new chapters every Friday✨)

his mind ♡ mark lee ✓ Where stories live. Discover now