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"Okay, Mark, how about this," she said snapping out of her thoughts. "How about we move to Busan instead? I have family there and if anything happens, Seoul isn't too far away," Lily suggests as she holds her boyfriend's hands.

"That could work," Mark looked up, eyes filled with hope.

"We can start preparing next week," she told him with a small smile. "It has to stay a secret though."


"You can't tell anyone-especially your mom-until the day before we leave."

Lily was staring at Mark with such an intense gaze. She meant what she said about keeping their move a secret. Whether anyone believed it or not, Mark was terrible at keeping secrets. Especially from his family.

"I know," he replied looking down.

"Why can't you tell her?" Lily asked in a tone more commanding than questioning.

"Because she'll try to stop us," Mark mumbled.

"And even when you do tell her we're moving, you can't tell her where."

"I won't."

"Good boy," the girl smiles as she pats her boyfriend's head causing his expression to brighten.

Some might say that their relationship is strange and unbalanced. Others might say it was toxic and unhealthy.

They were right though. Ever since the two became more than friends it was clear who was in charge.

If Lily said no, the answer was no. If she said yes, the answer was yes. Whenever someone would ask Mark to hang out, she would be there. If they said anything about it being only Mark who came, she would say he can't go, and express how much she disliked that person. This caused him to have only a few friends.

He was, and still is, so head over heals in love with her that he would always ask her permission to do things that required leaving the apartment.

The poor boy looked like a lost puppy the way he followed her around everywhere. She even treated him as one, and he never showed defiance towards her. He was so obedient that if she told him to withdraw all the money from his parents savings accounts and move with her to London, he he just might do it.

The way she treated him was the main reason the rest of the Lee's disliked her. It was obvious to them that Mark didn't make his own decisions anymore, and wanted her out of the picture any legal possible. Lily was aware of that though, and she refused to give in, not even if it killed her.

"You should go back now. Your mother might come back soon," the girl reminded him, glancing at the digital clock on one of the bedside tables.

Mark grabbed his phone that he dropped on the floor upon entering, and looked at the time before semi-shouting, "Oh my god, she'll be back half an hour!"

The two bid their goodbyes and Mark was on his way to his mother's house.

guess who almost forgot to post this 🙋‍♀️

what do you think is gonna happen?

(new chapter every Friday✨)

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