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"Lily?" Mark called as he entered his apartment.

A faint noise could be heard from down the hall. Mark follows the sound until he reached the bedroom he and Lily shared.

The boy placed his ear to the closed door to have a better listen. It sounds like....... crying.

He didn't wait another second longer as he opened the door and ran to his girlfriend's side.

"Lily, what happened why are you crying?" he asked hugging her tightly.

"Mark?" she looked up before hugging him back even tighter. "I thought you left me," the girl said, voice muffled by Mark's chest.

It had been almost 2 weeks since they last saw each other and the thought was starting to get to her.

"I'm so sorry, Lily," he whispered, holding her in his arms as they sat on the floor.

Mark's mother wouldn't let him out of the house without her. She claimed it was for his safety and a healthy recovery, but Mark knew otherwise.

He recently had confronted his mother about her feelings towards his girlfriend during dinner. She of course denied it several times, but after a 3 days of asking, she admitted to disliking Lily. In fact the exact word she used was 'hate'.

When she asked why he was mentioning Lily, he told her the conversation he and his girlfriend had in private. This resulted in his mother growing angry and calling the doctor saying he was hallucinating again. Unfortunately the doctor believed her and prescribed him more unnecessary pills and ordered him not up leave the house.

He was only able to leave because his mother was at work.

"You were right about my mother."

"I know I am, but we still can't leave."

"But why?" Lily got up out of Mark's grip upon hearing his question.

"Minhyung, what if you get sick again? Or if something beyond surgery happens? Do you think I'd be able to live with myself know that a selfish act of mine caused your death?" she answered, raising her voice.

"But this is my choice," the boy muttered, looking down at his lap.

Lily sighed in deep thought.

If she said yes, the two would have to leave to a different country with a different climate and doctors. Depending on the climate, Mark might not survive the move. He might not even survive the flight if they leave too soon.

If she said no however, her and Mark wouldn't be able marry. They'd eventually have to separate because of his family which would leave them both heart broken. Mark would have doctors that could almost guarantee his survival if he fells ill again.

They could find alternative solutions though. Search for doctors ahead of time or find a country with climate similar to South Korea. They could even move to another part of Korea, away from his family.

All different types of options and scenarios played in Lily's head until she decided. The next words she said would change everything.

"Okay, Mark, how about this," she said snapping out of her thoughts.


okay I'm actually very proud of myself for this this chapter. I thought it was gonna turn out shitty 🥵

guess it did though since I was aiming for at least 750 words but got only 560 😢

(close tho 🤧👌)

(new chapter every Friday ✨)

his mind ♡ mark lee ✓ Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora