Chapter 1

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"Hoseok, are you sure that you have everything," my mother calls as I load up my car to leave for my new apartment. "Yes mom I have everything. I checked them about 12 times." I called out from the front door. "I just want you to have everything. I know that you dont want to make multiple trips back for stuff you forgot." I reassure her that I have everything. I needed to be on the road at 14:30pm because of the distance of my apartment from home. I checked my phone, "14:40" it read. I looked up from my phone, almost dropping it, as I rush to get all of my boxes in my car. My sister sees me almost falling and actually falling over with boxes in my arms. "Do you need any help, Hoseok." She says as I struggle to but a box in my car. I look at her in desperate need for her help. She giggles and moves a few boxes and even handing me some. "Damn, are you bring everything in ONE trip," I nod as her eyes roll to the back of her head.

We, well more like her, finish with fixing the boxes. As the side door closes, I can feel my phone ring. I check who was calling "Min Yoongi (Roomie)". I immediately answer it. The voice of a really worried and maybe drunk person answers with a loud, "WHERE ARE YOU." I flinch at the fact that it was loud in my ear. "Im still home, Im about to leave." The man on the phone groans, "Do you know what time it is. Hoseok its 16:30." My eyes widen at the fact that it took my sister and me 2 hours to fix the boxes in the car. "I about to get on the rode. I'll call when Im near Seoul." He sounds like he is about to scream, "Okay just hurry. Traffic is horrible right now. Just don't forget to call." He hangs up and I turn off my phone. I toss my phone to the drivers seat and run in to say goodbye. My mother is taking a nap, and my dad is gone from home along with my sister. I write a letter to my mother for her to know that I already left. I run and get in my car and drive off.

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