Chapter 2

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I start driving looking at the houses that I have walked by everyday while going home from school. "In 2.5 miles, you will be making a left." The silence was thick and I felt uncomfortable. Im always used to have my sister or mother yelling at me while driving, but without them I felt that I was actually alone in the big world. I finally get on the freeway and we are at a complete stand still because of the amount of traffic. I decided to call Yoongi to tell him that I was on the freeway, but as I checked my phone it says "15%" I freak out so I call him and waited. After about 4 rings, he answered. "Hello. Where you at?" "I just got on the freeway okay. I think I might be here for a while." I could hear his eyes roll to the back of his head as he groans out a, "I told you to leave early." "Im sorry okay. My sister wanted to help me fix the boxes. If she didnt, I would have been there by no-." The call is dropped as I see my phone die. "Fuck" I say under my breath. I have to sit in my car for forever without any music.

~Four Hours Later~

I finally get off the freeway and am about a block away from the apartments. As I drive by, I can see stores with no lights on, as it is 22:45, I also can see a small coffee shop open with a sign that says "YES WE ARE STILL OPEN AT THIS TIME" in large bold letters. I pull up to get some coffee and to call it a night. As I enter the coffee shop,

I go up to the counter to order a cup of coffee. "Hello welcome. You look new, whta can I get fot you?" My mind is WAY too tired to process what she had just said all at once, so I just stand there slowly trying to wake my mind up. "Ummmm. You okay sir?" I snap my neck up so that I can see her eye to eye. "Uhh. Yea, Im fine just tired thats all. Ive been on the road since 16:30. Can I just get a black coffee." "Sure sir. Creamer or none?" "Yes creamer." I said trying ti grab my wallet out of my pocket in time to hand it to her. I hand her my card as she slides it and hands it back to me. "Your coffee will be done shortly." I thank her and sit down.

I sit there thinking to myself, "What an I going to do about getting to the apartment? I dont know where its at? I cant look it up, I cant even call Yoongi. DAMN IT!" I lay my head back, as my eyes begin to close. The last thing I hear before fully closing my eyes is the door to the coffee shop open and close.

Roomie ~SOPE FANFIC~Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora