Chapter 5

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"In four and a half miles make a left"

   The car ride to his apartment was very quiet.  My occasional apologies for spilling the coffee all over him and him having to repeatedly say that it was okay and that I didn't mean to do it.  We were only three minutes on the road before my car desided that it should that a nap in the middle of the road.  As the car was pulled to a hault, we were thrown forward by the hit of the car behind us.  I hit my forehead on the steering wheel and Yoongi didn't hit anything because of his height.  I ask if he was okay then step out of the car to see the damage.  The other driver gets out of his car and walks over to me.  The male was very tall, to the point I felt like a child next to him.  He had grape colored hair and a bandanna on that made him look like a model. "Are you okay?  I am so sorry that I hit you, I didn't know that you were going to stop that fastly."  The male said as he fast walks to me.  "Yea, Im fine.  Im sorry about stopping, the car just desided to die on me. Anyways, are you okay?"  I asked him basically staring at his eyes, which I could tell were not his real eye color because I own the same blue contacts.  "Yea, Im okay.  Is there anyone else in the car?"  He says as he stops in front of me.  Yoongi looks over and yells from his side, "Hay Namjoon.  Can you help us?"  Namjoon?  Okay so thats this model looking guy's name is. Remember that.  Wait, how does Yoongi know his name?  "Oh, hey Yoongi.  You okay in there?"  He said as he looked through the window.  "How do you know Yoongi?"

Authors note
Im sososososososososo sorry that I have been away for so long.  School is a butt and we have State testing so that sucks.  Anyways, I hope you like the short chapter.  I might make a new book to just write random stories in from time to time. Anyways, keep healty ARMYS and remember you nice, keep going.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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