Future I

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Davos POV

I knock on the room door of the red woman. "Come in" the red woman said after I knock. I saw he was looking at the fire

"I am sorry my lady, I didn't mean to interrupt" I said

"You interrupt nothing" she answered in a depressed tone.

"I assumed you know why I am here" I said.

"I will after you tell me" she answered

"Its about the lord commander" I said.

"The former lord commander" she answered back.

"He has to be?" I said.

"What are you asking?" she asked

"Do you know of any magic that could help him?" I asked "bring him back" .

"If you want to help him, let him be" she said.

"Can it be done?" I asked.

"There are some with this powers" she answered

"How?" I asked.

"I dont know" she answered

"Have you seen it done?" I asked.

"I met a man who come back from the death" she answered "but the priest who did it, it shouldn't have been posible"

"But it was" I said "it could be now"

"Not for me" she said then

"Not for you?" I asked

"I saw you drink poison, that should have killed" I said then "I saw you give birth to a demon made of shadows"

"Everything I belived" she said then more depressed than before "the great victory I saw in the flames, all of it was a lie, you were right all along, the lord never spoke to me"

"Fuck him, then" I said "fuck all of them. I'm not a devout man, obviously. Seven Gods, Drowned Gods, Tree Gods, it's all the same. I'm not asking the Lord of Light for help. I'm asking the woman who showed me that miracles exist". She then looked at me.

"I never have this gift" she answered

"Have you ever tried?" I asked. After I convinced Melisandre to bring Jon Snow back, we called Edd, the wilding Torrmund. She proceeded to undress him, wash his wounds, cut his hair and beard, throw them into the fire and then speak old Valyrian. She tried three times and nothing happened, after a fourth try, he give up and exit, then Tourmond with Edd. I stayed for a time and then started to I exit, until I heard a breathing. I enter the room, and I saw Jon Snow breathing but not opening his eyes, she did it, but why did not wake up?

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