Past I

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Memories passed on my mind...traidor.....ser Alister...stabbing me...Marsh stabbing me.....Olly....stabbing me in the heart...for the Watch....for the know nothing Jon Snow...Yguritte said.....the cave....I saw as I killed halfhand...I saw as I fought the wildlings...then I saw the masacre at hardhome......the White walkers.....I saw as I kil one of them......I then open my eyes and took one large breathing, I woke suddenly and saw my old room. I dead?. They stabbed me, six times times, I then prossesed to go to the bathroom and undress my shirt, i didn't have any stab wound...what is going on?...I looked the same as six years ago....I then exit my room and encountered Robb

"Jon?" Robb said "are you okay?"

"Not really" I said "I think I just woke up six years in the past"

"Jon, what are you talking about" Robb asked me.

"I am going crazy" I said

"Brother, you are acting weird" Robb said "come let's train"

"Train with swords?" I said "I am feeling six years older" with...ahhh!, my head starts tohurts,, the images were floating, lord Janos.....disobey orders.......I have always been afraid, the last words of Janos Slynt........the bloody head of Janos Slynt rolling on the floor after I behead him.......and then darkness.

Robb POV

"One moment Jon was telling me of a strange dream he had. Then after I asked to train with swords he starts to scream and then lost consciousness" I said to my father after bringing my unconscious brother to maester Ludwig  and then call my father.

"Well, when he wakes up, we will asking him" said my father

"Okay" I said

Trapped in the past (rewrite) Where stories live. Discover now