Future II

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Sansa POV

We finally arrived at castle black, and there was something wrong, there were wildlings everywhere.

"Hello my lady, who are you" said a man in black.

"I am Sansa Stark, please I want to see my brother, Jon Snow". When I mention who I was and wanted to talk to Jon, the man face turn white.

"You are Jon's sister?" the man said "my lady there was a mutiny, he...was killed". Murderdered....my last brother alive was killed by his own men" I started to cry, no, I said, no, why the gods are so cruel....

"My lady, I am ser Davos" said an older man then "if you can come with me please, I can show you where is..your brother's body". I follow him to a room and then I see him, he has grown, he looked so much like father.....the last member of my pack lost to me.

"Where are the one's that killed my brother" I said very amgry.

"In the ice cells, my lady" said ser Davos. Then I heard it, a breathing, small, but it came from Jon.

"He is breathing!" I said "but how?"

"I brought him back, but for some reason, he is not waking up" said a woman in a red outfit.

"Jon, my brother, you always been my brother and I was just a spoiled little girl, stupid and blinded by the ideals of my mother" I said "I am so sorry Jon, please forgive me, wherever you are, forgive me" I start crying again "where are those ice cells?"

"My lady" ser Davos said "follow me". I follow him.

"Brianne" I said "follow us, please"

"Of course" She said. He lead us, to where the killers of my brother were. They were four.

"Lord Davos, how are you" said a older man "come to mock on us?"

"Why did you do it" I asked.

"Who is the red head?" said another man

"I am Sansa Stark, sister to Jon Snow, the one you murdered" I said angry

"He was a traidor, let wildlings into our lands, he deserved his death" said a boy younger than Bran.

"Well then, you will pay for killing my last remaining family member" I said.

"Put them in the yard, I will hung them" I said

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