Past III

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I open my eyes, and I heard Sansa's voice saying forgive me please, you always been my brother. I could hear her but she was not in the room when. I open my eyes, but I was not in castle black but in Winterfell, in maester Ludwig room, then I saw my father's face for the first time in six years.

"Jon, are you okay?" he asked concerned

"Father?" I said "your are alive....then I really am in the past"

"Jon what are you talking about" my father asked me with concern.

You are going to think I am nuts, father, I said.

Just tell me, my father said, and then I will judge if you are crazy or not.

"Well, the last thing I remember is being stabbed to death by my own sworn brothers of the night watch" I said "and that was six years from now. In that future, you are dead. Robb and lady Stark are dead. Bran and Rickon were both killed by Theon Greyjoy. Arya is either missing or dead. Sansa is married to Ramsay Bolton, a monstrous bastard and as far as I known, Winterfell is in ruins"

"Jon, what are you talking about" my father asked very worried.

"Ohh" I forgot to tell something else, the white walkers are back" I said "its sound crazy, I know, but is the truth"

"White walkers?, our entire family dead?" My father said "Jon, you are talking like a crazy person"

"Told you it will sound crazy" I said but I have those memoriesm,  how long I was out?"

"Two days, why?" father asked "why?"

"Let me guess, what happened in those two days" I said "you went to behead a deserter of the night watch and you also found five or six direwolfs pups, depending if you found the white one. You also recibe news of the dead of Jon Arryn and that the king and his famliy are coming"

"By all Gods!!!. You are telling the truth, Jon, you come from the future, from six years?" my father asked me. I nodded. "you will explain everything, from the moment Robert comes until what happen after..I was killed, you will explain this to all of us"

"I will try" I said "Theon must  be there as well, let's test his loyalty I don't trust him but he hasn't done anything yet and will lady Stark listen?. She hates me after all"

"She will listen, if not we will have a dark future for us" my father said, "now rest, we will talk later". After a few hours, my father came to accompany me to the great hall, where I will tell my story.

"Snow" said lady Stark "your lies will not work on me"

"Catelyn, stop" my father said "Jon, please start"

"Well, everything begun when the royal family arrived north, asking lord Stark to be the hand, you accepted, I don't know why, but you did" I started

"You mean I didn't wanted?" my father asked "like now?"

"Yes" I answered "but then something change your mind, then Bran fell from he the broken tower, someone push him and left him a cripple, he saw something he shouldn't but I could bet it was our dear queen..fuc.., father, there is language that may not be appropriate in front of lady Stark and Sansa"

"Just continue what were saying, Snow" said lady Stark angry

"Fucking his brother, Jaime Lannister, as lord Stannis believed Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen were born of incest, of queen Cercei and Jaime Lannister, then you"...but Sansa interrupted me. Just like I predicted.

"How dare you talk about prince Joffrey like that?" said Sansa, mother is right you are..."

"Shut up Sansa!"  said Arya and to my surprise, Robb.

"Continue, please brother" said Arya.

"Sansa, don't get fooled by him, he is a monster" I said  "he will killed father after finding this. I heard he make you watch as how father lost his head'

"Wait, Joffrey is not king..." our father said "that will mean..."

"Yes, our dear king Robert will die during a hunt" I said "that was the reason you were killed, you couldn't tell him the truth I guess, Robb march to war. I tried to desert the night watch to avenge you, but I was stopped, for me I didn't know what happened to Robb, to lady Stark after I return from a soy misison"

"What happened to us?" asked Robb "what about Bran and Rickon?"

"They were both killed" I said "by Theon Greyjoy, when he decided to be more a Greyjoy than a Stark"

"What!!!!" lady Stark said.

"You and Robb were murdered at your brother's wedding by Walder Frey" I continue "Arya went missing when father was killed and called a traidor, including anyone who was his child, I was treated worse than garbage on the wall after his dead, bastard son of a traidor, a traitor's son, and worse things, I don't know what happen to Sansa, but I knew she was force to marry twice, first to Tyrion Lannister and then the bastard of Bolton, lady Stark if you think I am a someone who will kill his siblings to take Winterfell then you were wrong, Ramsay Snow is the bastard you should fear, because I will never, ever, take what rightfully belongs to my brothers and sisters, well while I was missing during what was called the red wedding, I infiltrate the wildlings by the orders of Quarin Halfhand, by killing him, I eat, sleep, climb the Wall, and....felt, in love with a Wildling girl, I then bretay them by escaping them and warning my brothers, we fight against them a very large army of wildlings, we then were help by king Stannis, then he go to try win  Winterfell back from the Boltons, he offered me to make me a Stark, but I rejected him...I couldn't accepted knowing I still have true born siblings alive..I... couldn't do it"

"You rejected the Stark name? lady Stark asked " sorry, you are truly Ned's son, I am such an idiot for believing you could take whats Robb's deserve been a Stark"

Eddard POV

When Jon started his tale, it was something amazing and very not believable at the same time, but as he continue his story, it was more believable.

"Continue Jon" I said.

"Well after Stannis left, Jon started, I was elected lord commander, by one vote, I then decided that the wildlings have to cross the Wall, only a few men come with me to Hardhome, but it was failure"

"A failure?" I repeated "why?"

"Because the White Walkers attack us before we could save them all" Jon said, it was a slaughter as only less than three thousand wildlings manage to escape to safety and after we arrive to the boats, I saw how the night king put his hands up and raised all the fallen, then no longer after we return I was stabbed to death by my own sworn brothers and then I woke up here"

"You woke up?" I repeated, "that is weird, maybe magic?'

"With what I saw in Hardhome, maybe it was magic" Jon said "but I know one thing father, and is that you should not accept being hand of the king, is too dangerous and it will be our downfall"

"Father, you will accept being hand, right?"Sansa said "I want to be queen!"

"Didn't you hear Jon, stupid?" Arya said "our father will be killed in there"

"Jon is just a bastard, Arya" Sansa said with venom

"Sansa, you are stupid" Arya said "Jon is more brother to me, than you will ever be!!!. You are nothing more than an spolied brat!"

"Enough!!!!" I screamed "this is what you wanted, Cat?. Poison the mind of our children?"

"I....never......." Catelyn started. Even she saw that Sansa was speaking like an spolied Brat

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2019 ⏰

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