1 - Pay Attention to The Act

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(Edited 1.)

Pay attention to the act,
the act is the most evil
and legal
of all.
An act is immoral-
An act is evil-minded.
It's a mephistophelean trap.

How happy is the comic!
Down, down, down into the darkness of comedy,
the mirthful, the amusing, the humorous all puke.

When I think of the cabaret,
I see a literary manager.
Never forget the addled
and woolly-headed

I saw the the zaniness of my generation destroyed!
How I mourned the entertainer.
"Ka-boom", said the entertainer -- once -- 
and "ka-boom" then "ka-boom" again!

I cannot help but stop
and look at autobiographical comics.

Don't you believe
that the broad-way is unintended?
The broad-way is intended
beyond belief.
Never forget the conscious
and willful broad-way.  

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