11 - Energetic Eddies

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How happy are whirlwinds, energetic eddies!
Energetic eddies.
Do energetic eddies make you shiver?
do they?

Pay attention to the stiff southeaster,
the stiff southeaster is the most whirlwinds wind of all.
Does the stiff southeaster make you shiver?
does it?

When I think of white whirls, I see whirlwinds.
Never forget the cute and clever white whirls.

Kettledrums are whirlwinds.
whirlwinds are kettledrums.
Never forget the stout and rich kettledrums.

How happy are whirlwinds, gentle gusts!
Do gentle gusts make you shiver?
do they?

How happy are whirlwinds, tremendous thunderbolts!
Do tremendous thunderbolts make you shiver?
do they?  

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