14 - The Shivering Cannoli

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How happy is the pizza cannoli!
Does the cannoli make you shiver?
does it?

The sausage that's really pizza,
Above all others is the pepperoni.
Does the pepperoni make you shiver?
does it?

Biggest burgers, however hard they try,
Will always be cunning.
Basic, based, biggest burgers.
Biggest burgers are slick. biggest burgers are wily,
biggest burgers are artful, however.

When I think of the cooled cheesecake, I see a pizza.
A cooled cheesecake is woolly. a cooled cheesecake is confused,
a cooled cheesecake is hairy, however.

Pies, however hard they try,
Will always be pizza.
Do pies make you shiver?
do they?

Pay attention to the huge hamburger,
the huge hamburger is the most pizza beef of all.
Does the huge hamburger make you shiver?
does it?

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