49 - a Solar Spectrum

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A solar spectrum, however hard it tries,
Will always be solar.
Spatial, secondary, solar spectrum.
Does the solar spectrum make you shiver?
does it?

One afternoon I said to myself,
"Why isn't the primary planet more nonspherical?"
Never forget the orbicular and round primary planet.

Dimension is metaphysical dimension.
metaphysical dimension is dimension.
Why is it so cunning?

Why would you think the grand galaxy is big?
the grand galaxy is the most little herbaceous plant of all.
Does the grand galaxy make you shiver?
does it?

How happy is the spiritual, spiritual sphere!
Down, down, down into the darkness of the spiritual sphere,
Gently it goes - the spectral, the religious, the sacred.

A milieu, however hard it tries,
Will always be benefic.
Does the milieu make you shiver?
does it?

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