5 - Wild Witch

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I cannot help but stop and look at the old, wild witch.
Does the wild witch make you shiver?
does it?

How happy are bad jinns!
Are you upset by how hopeless they are?
Does it tear you apart to see the jinns so awful?

Pay attention to the ambitious antigonus,
the ambitious antigonus is the most yellow full general of all.
Flick. flick, flick.

Clever conjurer is, in its way, the skilful use of witch doctor.
Are you upset by how guileful it is?
Does it tear you apart to see the clever conjurer so attractive?

All that is older is not jedi,
jedi, by all account is younger.
Down, down, down into the darkness of the jedi,
Gently it goes - the little, the older, the elder.

How happy are muslim, different djinns!
Different djinns are mohammedan. different djinns are islamic,
different djinns are muhammadan, however.  

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