A New Book

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I walked out of school with a book in my hands. Unlike my Mom, I love reading. I'll read anything anyone gives me. When I was younger my Mom told me about her "Imaginary friends" and all that she went through. She said the time it really got stressful was when she was fourteen and she had seven boys living in her house. She told me about how one of them died and how she brought him back and how they all became real. She never told me who the seven boys were and where they are now or what book they came from. No matter how much I ask she always tells me she'll tell me when I'm older. I think she doesn't want me to have anything to do with the book.

I thought it was horrible, all the stress she had to go through. I'm glad she decided to tell me so I didn't have to go through the same thing. I don't know why my Grandpa never told my Mom about all this. I'm just glad my Mom decided to tell me. Even if she won't tell me who those seven boys were. I can live without knowing who they are. But I have to admit, I want to find them.

My Mom always thought it was weird having book characters come to life like that. But I don't. It's fun to have them visit our world. But it's even more fun to visit theirs.

When I was younger I read a book for school. The character came to life and I showed her around town and my place and all that. And she took me inside the book and showed me her world.

I can even change the book if I want, but I have to read it to do that. Like if I read chapter one, whatever happens in it is the only thing I can change. Usually I choose not to. Most of them end happily. Even if they don't I choose not to. My name will be in the book and I don't want people to read it and see things are different. The good thing is, if I go into a book, if I don't change things, even though I'm there, things will be the same. My name won't be in it and even after the chapter is over the book doesn't go on. Only if I continue to read the book things will happen like they are supposed to.

If they come out of the book and something bad happens to them I can't change it by going into the book. They can come in and out of the book as they please once they've came out the first time. I've never gotten too attached to any of them. The only book that I've really gotten attached to was princess books. When I was younger I loved going inside them and living with them. I got to wear fancy dresses and a crown on my head and do princess stuff.

I don't know why my Mom never mentioned anything about going inside books. I've been meaning to ask her but I always get too nervous. I know my Dad doesn't have any powers or abilities or whatever this is, like my Mom and I do. I figure if my Mom can't go into books then I have to get it from some family member, right?

I walked home with my friends. My Mom has stayed in touch with her friends from when she was younger. Her friend Lindsey married my Dad's best friend Johnny. They had a daughter who was 15, a year older than me. My Mom's other friend, Savannah, took a liking to Dally and they ended up getting married and having a son the same age as me and a daughter who is 10. Dally never really wanted kids, but Savannah ended up getting pregnant. After the kid was born Daly's opinion on kids changed. Mom's other friends ended up marrying my Dad's friends too. I find it weird how close all of them were.

"Another book I see," Lindsey's daughter, Jennifer, said. Jennifer has brown eyes, brown hair, and lightly tanned skin. She's a spitting image of her father but has her mother's personality. "When are you going to start reading books on your phone? There's only so much in the library you can read."

"I know, I know. I like reading these better. It's just the feel of the book. You don't get that while reading on a phone."

"Book nerds." Jennifer rolled her eyes. "I bet you just like going inside these better. Knowing that the book is in your hands probably makes you feel better."

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