Just a Kiss

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My dreams never really ended when I was home. I know what's happening now though. The reason I'm having these dreams is because I'm going to have choose where to be. I can only assume that's how the guys become fully real. If I'm happy and they are happy.

The boys are in my time now, and they look the complete opposite of happy. I know the only way for me to ever be happy is to face my problem. It won't be any easier staying here, so I grabbed the book off my dresser and observed it. I had to go back and stay for a while. And I hope it won't be like the other times. Not where I'm stuck, but I hope I don't have those dreams that haunt me and make me want to go back.

In all honesty, being stuck probably doesn't sound that bad anymore. It will just help me to know that Tulsa is where I have to stay. I have to do it for the boys. If not...bad things might happen. Mom might want them to just fade away or something. And if she doesn't want them in our world then I only have my other option. Sure she won't like it, but I have no other choice.

I grabbed my phone and sent all my friends a message on our group chat.

Guys, I'm sorry about this, but I have to got back to Tulsa. I figured out something out and it's the only way to really fix things. I know I've only been back for a few weeks, but I've been giving this lots of thought and I don't really think I have a better option. So this might be goodbye. If I can't see you or talk to you again, then I just want to say I love you guys.

After I sent the message I decided to wrote a note to my parents. I didn't really want to tell them this because I knew they would probably object and tell me I'm wrong.

It took me a while to write my note because I had no clue what to say. Maybe it took me a little too long because Daniel knocked on my window. He's never came through my window before so it really surprised me.

"What are you doing?" He asked when he stepped inside. "You can't just leave." I didn't expect him to come. I maybe expected a message saying something like 'don't go' or something like that, but definitely not this.

"Why not? It's the only thing I can do, Daniel. What other option do I have?"

"Stay here with us. You're friends and family. With me." He reached down and took his hands in mine. "Dandelion you mean the world to me and I don't know what I'd do without you. You're my best friend, I know you better than anyone."

"Daniel, I know-"

"I'm not done. If you leave who knows if you will ever be able to come back. And the thought of you not being here kills me. I need you, Dandelion. More than you know." Both our phones went off, but he didn't seem to care. He leaned in a placed a soft kiss on my lips.

I felt something stir inside of me, but I didn't know what it was. I didn't even know how to feel. I pulled away completely confused. "Sorry. I had to do that. I had to let you know how I felt."

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. After a moment I finally said, "Daniel...I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"Dandelion please, you don't know what this is going to do to everyone." Daniel still hasn't let go of my hands.

"What about the boys? If I don't do this, what will happen to them?"

"I don't care what happens to them! All I care about is you right now."

I pulled my hands from his. "I don't care. I'm still going."

He let out a sigh before walking to the out of my bed room door. At first I thought he was leaving, but then he stared yelling for my parents. I ran from my spot over to him, trying to get him to stop. "Daniel, stop it!" I kept yelling. He never listened to me. When he was about to the stairs I could only think of one thing to make him shut up. I ran in front of him and slammed my lips against his.

I don't know if he knew what I was doing or if he just wanted an excuse to kiss me again, but either way he kissed back. This was my second kiss so I really had no clue what I was doing. Daniel kissed me passionately before I pulled away again. "Daniel, please, you can't tell. Please."

"Dandy, I only want what's best for you. I can't let you do this."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back into my room. I couldn't risk my parents hearing us. "This is what's best for the guys. Daniel, you have to let me do this."

"No! I won't! You've left for weeks and never came back! I was worried sick about you, and I even came over one day but you're parents were fighting so I had to leave." That caught my attention. So they were actually fighting this entire time? "I thought we all agreed to do this together?"

"One time I left on my own accord. The other just happened. And being stuck there helped me learn how to fix things."

"Well...if I can't talk you out of this..." He paused before saying, "take me with you. At least don't go by yourself."

I had no clue what to say. Our friendship is probably already on the line with this, and this might break it. The look on his face was desperate. He really wanted to go. He wanted to be with me. That only made this harder.

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