Nothing Can Stay The Same

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Tonight everyone was meeting at my place so we can finish the rest of chapter 4 and read to chapter 6. I was really nervous though. Bob died in the last chapter. What if something worse happens? I had a bad feeling in my gut and I didn't like it.

The boys were all with us this time. Jennifer was the one who suggested they be here so if anything bad happens we will know if they are okay. We picked up where we left on in chapter 4. When Ponyboy was getting drowned. I couldn't read it. I had to have Jennifer read it. My eyes kept darting from her to Ponyboy.

He's okay, I kept telling myself. He was sitting right in front of me the entire time but I still had to keep telling myself that. Even after he the Socs had already left. Just that little bit scared me.

I think he could sense my uneasiness because he spoke up. "I'm okay, Dandy." And gave me a reassuring smile. I returned it with only a small smile. I felt better though when we got past the drowning part. Jennifer even passed to book back to me so I could read. But what was happening in the book didn't exactly make me feel better. Pony and Johnny were talking about running away and they were already on their way to see Dally.

"I still..." I was about to read a sentence when I stopped. Pony was about to say something...not bad but I had a feeling Dally wouldn't like it. Ponyboy was talking about how he didn't understand how Cherry could love a hood like Dallas.

"What's wrong?" Mikey asked. I passed the book to him and pointed to the sentence. He only nodded. "Just skip it."

"What's wrong?" Darry asked.

"Nothing. I just don't want to read that sentence?"

"Why? Did little innocent Ponyboy over here say a bad word?" Two-Bit asked acting shocked. Ponyboy glared at him.

"...Yeah...he did. It's not bad bad. I just don't want to read it." I didn't want to tell truth so I just lied.

Darry didn't say anything else and neither did I. I just continued to read the rest of the chapter and handed the book back to Jennifer. When Jennifer read chapter 5 is I was shocked. Johnny had to bleach Pony's hair and when I looked up at him I seen his hair was blonde. I knew what happens in the book happens to them but, I don't know, I just wasn't expecting that. He looked different and it threw me off.

"Ponyboy! Y-you're hair!" I heard my Mom yell from the living room. I got up from my spot and opened my bedroom door. My Dad's hair was blonde too!

I quickly shut my door, wide eyed and I felt like hyperventilating. "My Dad's hair is blonde too! H-he's blonde. It happened to him too! Oh crap, what have I done? What have I done?"

Daniel stood up and put his hands on my shoulders "Hey, calm down. Don't have another panic attack. It will be okay-"

"How! Tell me how, Daniel! That's not okay. I just changed my Dad's hair color! So not only will it change our young parents faits but it will change our older parents!" I was frustrated. I just wanted to scream. To cry. To do something to get my mind off this. I sunk down to the ground and put my head in my hands. "I have to fix this. I have to! Jennifer, hand me the book."

She looked at it before handing to me. Daniel snatched it from her. "No. Do you really want to do that, Dandelion? Your Mom told you someone died. If that happened to her then it might happen to you. But not only will it kill the young one but it will kill the older one. How do you know there will even be a way to get them back?"

"There has to be. If Mom brought them back then there would have to be a way."

"Yeah, but those people out there" Daniel pointed toward the living room. "are real. Those are real people out there Dandelion. Not some people who can't be seen and can go through things and are basically ghosts!"

"They are real too," I said pointing to the boys. I don't technically know if they are real people. The can be. I just don't know how. "And they are the same people. They are probably connected." Daniel looked down at the book. "Please, Daniel. If there is way to change it...the book might help."

He looked back up at me. He then shoved the book in my arms. "Fine. But if anything happens..." He trailed off. He didn't know what to say. "We just have to fix this."

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