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{Draco's POV}

When I looked at my watch it read 3:24 am. No matter what I did I couldn't fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, Harry Potter's beautiful pale green eyes pop into my mind.

What the fuck.

Did I actually just... think THAT? Fuck.

I can't BELIEVE I ran into him yesterday well walking down the corridor. It was the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened. And I had to act like an absolute idiot too...

In the end, I managed to fall asleep at around 5:20 am. It didn't really do much though since I had to wake up at 6:30...

When I woke up, I groaned from the horrible migraine I had. Blaise rolled over and said aggressively, "shut the fuck up, not all of us wanna wake up at who-the-fuck-cares in the morning." I laughed just loud enough to annoy him, and got up to change into my robes for the day.

After five minutes of LOUDLY getting ready, I walked down to the common room and saw Pansy sitting on the couch. She winked at me and said

"Hi, Draco!"

I walked out of the common room faster than I walked in.


When I walked into the hall, I immediately looked at the Gryffindor table and saw the golden trio, or whatever the hell everyone calls them...

And then I saw something new.

The female weasel was sitting close to Potter... too close. And she was brushing up against him. What the fuck.

At this point people were starting to notice me standing in the middle of the hall like a dumbass staring at Harry Potter, so I sat myself in an empty spot at the Slytherin table.

It doesn't even matter, I hate Harry Potter.

I ate my breakfast as fast as I could, and then left the hall even faster. Why would I want to watch Weaslette practically being impregnated by Potter.

Unluckily for me, the first class I had today was potions, which just so happened to be with the Gryffindors.

Even more unlucky for me... Harry. Fucking. Potter. Came to class late, and the only seat available was next to me.

Snape announced in front of the entire class, "Hello, Mr. Potter. Nice of you to finally join us. Now take your seat and don't disrupt my class any more than you already have."

Harry made his way towards Ron and Hermione but was cut off by Snape who said, "Where do you think you're going, Potter?"

"To sit with my friends..."

"Where do you expect to sit? The floor? The only available spot is beside Mr. Malfoy"

In this moment you could audibly hear Harry sign as he turned around. He slowly made his way to the back corner of the class, and parked his pretty little ass right beside me.

What... did I just... never mind it doesn't matter...

Potions was horrible. Apparently this lesson we were brewing with our partners, and Harry and I had to make a love potion. Good for us that I'm the potions master, because he was absolutely fucking useless. It was like being partnered with a rock, but even the rock would end up doing more than Potter did.

At the end of the class I shot up out of my seat faster than I've ever done anything before, and turned to leave.

"Wait, Malfoy." Harry sound in a loud whisper.

"What." I said, almost... excited? that he wanted to talk to me.

"You forgot your textbook." He said with no emotion in his voice.

"Oh.. yeah." I said feeling slightly disappointed.

No.. why am I thinking like this. I hate Potter. He's the absolute worst.

Later that day, after I had finished my last class of that horrible Monday morning, I went back to my common room. No one was there, as they were either in class, or out frolicking outside. I made my way up to my dorm, put all my books and papers away, and fell asleep without even realizing I was falling alseep.

I woke up to someone vigorously shaking me.

"Draco.. get up. We're gonna be late for dinner and I'm not gonna fucking starve because of you."

It was Blaise.

I quickly sat up and playfully elbowed him in the stomach. After fixing my bed head, we started walking down to the hall to eat dinner. On the way we passed Pansy who was swooning about some boy she liked, apparently he was also in Slytherin. Finally we got to the hall.

Blaise almost RAN to the table and started immediately piling food on his plate. I made a slower approach to the table, and out of the corner of my eye, tried to get a look at the Gryffindor table.

The mudblood and the blood traitor were sitting at the table, but Potter wasn't.

I wonder where he is?

Actually, no I don't.. he's probably making out with the Weaslette.

I thought before bumping into the table without realizing. I sat down and began to eat. Halfway through dinner, Potter came in, but he didn't look like his usual self. He looked sad and completely zoned out.

Blaise shook me almost as hard as he did when he woke me up, and then I finally realized I was randomly standing up staring at the Gryffindor table. A few people were laughing, some pointing, but most people didn't care.

A little while later, dinner had ended, so Blaise, Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and I started to head back to the Slytherin common room.

Ginny Weasley never came to dinner.

Author is typing...

Hi! This is the longest chapter I've written so far and it was so fun to write. I'm really enjoying where this story is going and I hope you are too. It's currently 10:17 pm when I'm writing this, so I suppose it's time to go to bed. I love you! 💓

-Kait :)

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