S e c r e t s

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"Draco..." Harry said in shock as he looked at the pale light haired pretty boy standing in front of him.

"Harry... you came," Draco said back to him.
"Well, I probably wouldn't have done if I knew you wrote me that note. God.. I should've known it was you, I saw you walking on the Mauraders Map but didn't put two and two together..."
Harry turned to leave, but before he could walk out Draco quickly ran up to him and pulled him back.
"Mauraders Map?"
"It doesn't matter. Goodbye.."

"PLEASE, I need to talk to you, Potter." Malfoy said with eagerness in his voice.
"Fine, but make it quick. I have sleeping to do."

Draco pulled Harry over to where he was previously sitting and sat down once more. Harry was still standing until Draco whispered, "Sit..." and he hesitantly plopped down. They sat in awkward silence for a while until Harry finally said, "So... what do you want?"

"Well.. i- uh- honestly, I don't really know. The past few days I keep having this relentless urge like I need to talk to you. Every time I see you it just grows and grows. I almost talked to you a few times at breakfast, but then I remembered I couldn't quite just go up to you and say 'Hey mate just thought I'd come over and have a quick chat.'" Harry giggled softly and quietly at this. Draco blushed, but not enough where Harry noticed.

"Honestly, I'm not sure why either but ever since we ran into each other in the hall a while back, I've felt like we should talk. It almost felt like I was underwater for all the fighting we've done in the past, and when we ran into each other, I came above and finally took a breath..." Harry said back to him so quietly Draco had to lean in to hear him.

"Hey Po-... Harry..." Harry shivered at the sound of Draco fricking Malfoy calling him HARRY. "Yeah, Draco?" .. "Do you think- well... do you think after all this shitty fighting and insulting we've done throughout the years... that maybe we can just forget it all and become..."



Harry was so shocked he didn't know what to do. He sat there speechless for multiple moments until he finally chimed up and replied to the boy, "Draco it would do me no less than an unjustly honour to be your friend."

Minutes past and the boys sat in the library, approximately 3 and a half feet apart, in silence. Draco suddenly said, "I'm not very tired... maybe we could play a game?"

Harry agreed with the idea and said, "how about 20 questions? It'd be good for getting to know each other, too."

"I've never played that one..."

"Well, it's a muggle game. Sometimes i'd see my cousin Dudley play it with his friends when they'd sleep over. The questions were mostly about girls the other boys liked but you can ask whatever you want."

"Oh... that makes sense. Just asking each other questions?" Draco said to Harry's explanation.

"Yes. The only thing is, you must be completely 100% honest."

"Sounds good..."

They sat facing each other as they got ready to play the game. Harry then said, "You can start, ask me anything you'd like."

Draco thought hard about what his first question would be, he finally decided to start slow by asking, "What's your favourite colour?"


"Ah... like the true Gryffindor you are. Your turn." Harry had to think for almost as long as Draco, he didn't want to start with anything too sudden.

"What's your favourite food?"

"Well... I'd have to say fudge flies. It's quite simple, but I've always had a bit of a sweet tooth. No one ever gets me them though so they're usually just a Hogwarts Express delicacy."

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