Chapter 46 - Ambush

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"How are we going to handle that much shit?"

Back in Freehold, Will, Terra, and Jay gazed down at the detailed site layout of the town evacuation site, just recently approved by the Library Board. Solid lines denoted the existing water distribution building and the road to it, while faint lines showed topographical elevations, based on the survey Will completed earlier. Dotted lines indicated preliminary sites for the backup hospital, supply warehouses, temporary living shelters, and other facilities. But they had not yet considered sanitation and waste management.

Will pointed to the diagram. "Maybe there, the flat area down-slope. We could put in a holding pond to handle the waste outflow from the hospital and a bathhouse. For the living areas, about the best we can do is put in pit latrines. There is not enough time or money for a septic field."

Jay replied. "That may work. I'll run some calcs on the pond size. Although, someone needs to go back out there to check soil permeability and layout a sewer line route."

Terra made a suggestion. "Let's all go out tomorrow. There is no school, so Moya could come too. The weather should be good. We could bring a picnic lunch."

Jay remarked, "Exceptional idea!" He nudged Will. "You really should marry this woman."

The next morning, the four squeezed into Jay's truck with a picnic lunch and survey equipment stashed in the bed. The weather was sunny and warm, and they looked forward to both a productive and relaxing day. Along the way, the women talked excitedly and at length about Terra's pregnancy. Will grinned at the nervous, wide-eyed expression on Jay's face.

The truck stopped in front of the water distribution building and the four gathered in front of the truck. Will unloaded some of the equipment while Jay walked toward the building to check on the pumps and piping within. Moya took his hand and went with him.

Standing beside the truck, Terra jerked. "Oww!" Her hands flew to her extended belly.

Will jumped to her side. "What is it?"

"It's your daughter. She kicked me hard." With a sharp exhale, she bent over. "Oww!"

Will put his hand on her belly. "Easy, little one. That's your mother."

Will spread a blanket on the ground under a nearby shade tree and helped Terra sit down. He tilted his head toward the building. "I'm going to see what's taking Jay so long." He opened the door, but paused at the threshold, letting his eyes adjust to the relative darkness before entering.

Squirming, Terra shifted herself on the blanket, trying to find a comfortable sitting position. With a sigh, she laid on her back with knees bent up and hands on her belly. The baby within her wriggled enough so that she felt the motion with her hands. Terra whispered. "What is going on with you, little girl? Why are you so agitated?"

Terra shifted to the aura to check on the baby within her. But nearly at once, two bright objects in the aura caught her attention, shining like indicative of powerful Talent. They were close — in the pump building.

With a halted breath, her heart pounded. This is very wrong!

Terra knew that if she could see them in the aura, then they could see her. No opportunity for stealth now. Grimacing, she hefted herself up. Shifting fully into the aura, she steeled herself for a fight.

Within two steps of the building door, a bitter psychic wave overcame her. Wavering on her feet, she bent over and put a hand against the rusty metal wall to steady herself. Mind spinning, Terra panted, and the baby within her stilled.

The Darkness! Will!


From his high vantage point within the pump house with sniper rifle in hand, Neige peered outside through a hole, squinting against the much brighter light outside. He held up two fingers to the men positioned below, then said over the com system. "Two non-targets approaching. Do not fire. Restrain, but do not harm. We may need them."

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