Chapter 55 - Assault Preparation

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"This is insane! Is there any chance at all?" Avin waved his arms as he jumped up. "Terra, I feel for your situation, but this sounds like foolish desperation."

"It is not so desperate," Terra responded. "I've reviewed the palace defense plan. Inside the outer layer, the security is almost all Talent based, and Will could neutralize that. It is similar to what we encountered at the Blue Uprising command, and we were able to walk in untouched to the council meeting with no help."

"As I recall, the exit did not go as planned." Avin turned his glare toward Ginny. "I can't believe you agreed with this."

Ginny moved back and forth in a rocking chair in her home, an animated baby girl in her lap. "Oh, I don't like it at all, but I see no better options. Remember what happened to Will's first wife after they tagged her? When the Enforcers show up for Terra, and eventually they shall, they might take Will and Anna too."

Huffing, Avin threw his head back. "It's nuts! And if the Dynasty believes the Library was involved, whether we actually did or not, the repercussions would be severe. Joseph, where do you stand on this?"

Joseph held a solemn expression and spoke in a gentle voice. "I am not normally one to support violence, but consider the current situation. War happens and likely the Dynasty wins. After they wipe out the Uprising, the Dynasty will be in full control across the lands. Then they will come after the Library. We had always assumed the war was inevitable, but if this plan succeeds, we avoid the war and all the devastation that goes with it."

"But then the Blue Uprising will take control, and they are no better than the Dynasty."

"True, but they will need us, and it will give us some time to influence their policies. The Library would have a chance to survive."

Avin sat down and put hands to his forehead. "It is hard to believe we would sanction the assassination of the Emperor."

Will chimed in. "We don't even have to kill him. Just take his Talent away and his empire will implode."

"No, Will." Terra put a hand on his shoulder. "What you say is true, but the likely outcome of our success leaves the Emperor dead." She stood up straight and panned her eyes across everyone in the room with a solemn expression. "I do not want to mislead anyone. Many may die, but far less than from war."

"This mercenary, Neige, he will help?" Avin asked.

Terra replied. "The next step is to ask him, but I am sure he will. We have seen him and his team in action, and they are extraordinarily good at what they do." She caught Avin's eyes. "Avin, the risks are very real and I do not minimize them. As a former agent, I have experience with covert operations. With Will's abilities and Neige's help, we have a strong chance of success. You know my family has a stake in this. If we do nothing, someday a group of Dynasty Enforcers will show up on our doorstep. Of that, I am certain."

Avin sighed. "Very well. Begin the preparations. But I want Joseph to be involved in the planning and execution. Joseph, you will have Library authority to provide indirect support to the operation. I will inform the Board."


In Will's cabin, Kori ran into the kitchen where Terra stood storing away supplies. Her voice expressed excitement, although still faint and raspy from her previous throat injury. "Terra, you have to see this!"

Closing the pantry door, Terra raised an eyebrow. Kori motioned toward the front door. "Come on, but be quiet."

Kory opened the front door slow enough to avoid a sound. Terra put a hand over her widening smile. On the porch, two men slept in rocking chairs, Neige and Will. Each held a sleeping little daughter cuddled in their laps. The contrast between big strong men and little girls stood out, yet seemed so natural, so endearing. The women peered through the doorway, taking in the heart warming sight.

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