Epilogue - Perfect Day

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Terra gazed from her front porch, rocking back and forth with a sleeping baby boy cuddled in her lap. The dew still lingered against the morning sun, clinging defiantly to gently swaying grasses and wildflowers. Further in the distance, emerald leaves shimmered in the tall trees that lined a tumbling creek.

Bliss. This is pure bliss.

Over four years had passed since the Dark Fall, as most call it now. The consequences of the Darkness Will and Terra unleashed were far greater than they originally knew. Not only did it rip Talent from the Emperor, Terra, and anyone else nearby, but so also did it across the entire world, perhaps never to return. The war the Library feared never occurred. But in its place, the society built on Talent hierarchy fell into chaos.

The Library stepped up valiantly to minimize the pain of the broken society. Even so, the suffering was vast. Many of the formerly elite Talent lost their lives, either by vengeful mobs or by their own hand. Would-be warlords rose to fill the power vacuum and fell. Pockets of hardship became common. Only recently has some order been restored to the larger city centers.

It took several months for Will to recover from his physical injuries, but the mental healing took much longer. Even now, the nightmares sometimes haunted him. He blamed himself for the death and suffering, no matter that it would have been far worse had the mission failed. Terra soothed him as much as she could and Pastor Joseph gave his council, but the very best therapy came from a rambunctious little girl who absolutely adored her father.

Will and Terra acquired a house and parcel of land at the edge of Freehold. Terra became the Public Health Director at the clinic, coordinating greatly needed immunization and medical relief programs, and Will became the Regional Chief Engineer, overseeing public utility systems. He refused a seat on the Library Council to spend more time with his family, a decision that delighted Terra.

Ginny retired and gave up her community center directorship, although she still offered advice to her successor and other local public leaders, whether they wanted it or not. She moved into a small cottage next door to fulfill the grandma role to the kids and spoiled them to no end.

Historian Connor Kuitu departed yesterday after a grueling four-day interview, seeking to document the events around the Dark Fall. This dredged up some memories that Terra would rather have forgotten. Terra and Will told their story on the condition that the notes remained sealed for twenty-five years to protect their family.

But to Terra on this perfect day, all the trials faded into distant past. It was one of those beautiful autumn days that refreshed the soul — a cool crisp morning followed by a warm, comfortable afternoon, with just a hint of a breeze.

The newest member of the family, Jerin, almost 6 months old, stirred with a yawn and flutter of eyelids, then promptly returned to slumber. Freshly nursed, wearing a clean diaper, and rocking in his mother's arms. Paradise for a baby.

Earlier in the morning, Will let Terra sleep later until Jerin demanded his breakfast. A warm smile came to her face. My loving husband then cooked us pancakes for breakfast. I love it when he does this for me! Although, some pancakes had creative shapes because Anna helped.

Anna shattered the quiet, making her baby brother lurch, as she bounded around the house, squealing with delight. Pursuing her was a snarling, but not very scary, daddy monster, who promptly scooped her up in his monster arms. Teyo chased after them as fast as his little legs will take him with a big smile on his face. It is good to see him so happy. Then the monster turned, capturing him as well.

Teyo came to the Sall family a year-and-a-half ago by tragedy. While hiking with his parents along the road north of Freehold, they came upon an unexploded ordinance. The blast killed his father outright and mortally wounded his mother. That Teyo survived was only due that he rode on his father's shoulders. The young boy reminded Terra so of Benjamin, that she fulfilled his mother's dying wish. Will readily agreed to the adoption. Anna was happy to have a 'lil brudder' to fuss over, and she became therapy for him as well.

As the monster stomped up the front porch steps towards Terra, Jerin woke fully, not wanting to miss out on the action, and produced one of those full-body smiles that melted Terra's heart. Will leaned down and gave her a kiss, all the more remarkable since he carried two squirming kids.

The kiss lingered until it becomes a proposition, Terra answering yes with tongue and lips. Will withdrew, leaving little kisses along her neck, sending tingles down her spine. Since kids, her husband had become a master in the art of stealth foreplay, sometimes frustratingly so.

Later, Will took Anna and Teyo down to the stream to go fishing, followed soon by Terra and Jerin with a picnic lunch. It turned out that fishing was not very good while two kids splashed in the water. Although, they redeemed themselves by picking a bunch of blackberries to supplement the lunch. The purple stains around their mouths showed that not all the berries made it to the picnic.

After a full day of family fun, baths were taken, storybooks read, and sleepy little ones tucked safely into their beds. Then, Will found an amorous wife on his hands. Once the simmering desires were sated, they basked in the afterglow, falling asleep secure within each other's loving arms.

And that was the perfect ending to the perfect day.

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