Chapter Four

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     Percy's POV

     I hated not being able to move. I hated feeling useless. I hated being carried like a child. All of which were present at this very moment. I wasn't able to move, unable to depend on myself, while being carried bridal style by Jason. At least he was comfy.

      I was carried by Jason into the big house, Nico besides me and Chiron trotting in front of us. See, I had invited Nico over and we got close. Not romance close, gods no, but he found out a lot of things. Such as the fact that Gabe abused me, verbally, physically and sexually. Annabeth didn't even know that.

      Jason sat down on the couch and adjusted me so my head was resting on his lap and the rest of my body was on the couch. Nico sat down on the arm of the couch and Chiron fitted into his wheelchair, sitting on front of us. I could feel Jason start to play with my hair.

       "So, would anyone like to explain?" Chiron asked. 

       "So... We went to a bar, right?" Nico asked. Chiron nodded. "Just as we were about to leave, Annabeth took Percy to the back and used a chemical Leo created to paralyze him. Of course, Leo didn't know what it would be used for. Anyway, she dragged Percy in the back and, while he was unable to talk, move or anything, she..." Nico looked over at me sadly. I could feel tears start to fill my eyes and fear and shame took over my emotions. I could feel my body start to tremble uncontrollably.

         Jason, seeing the panic in Nico's eyes, adjusted me so he could see my face. Once he did, his eyes widened and he moved me so I was kind of in a stradling position and hugged me tightly. Unable to do anything, my nose pressed uncomfortably against Jason's shoulder. Nico noticed and tilted my chin so it was resting on top of Jason's shoulder. I stayed there while Nico explained what happened, including why it freaked me out so badly. When he said that, Jason put a hand on the back of my head and hugged me tighter. He explained it in extreme detail, which took quite a while. It could feel my limbs start to get some feeling in them, like when your foot falls asleep. Something similar to that.

       I could feel my eyes start to drift shut, even if I couldn't control by body, and fell asleep to Nico's voice.

Jason's POV

      I can't believe Percy was abused. He's so happy and outgoing, you never would have been able to tell if someone hadn't told you. It sounds pretty bad from what Nico was describing too. It took a minute for me to realize Percy had fallen asleep on my shoulder. His breathing his slowed and his eyes were shut. I frowned slightly, as his face was scrunched up like he was in pain. "I'm going to take him to his cabin." I announced, standing up. Percy's legs automatically wraped around my waist and I chuckled, wrapping one arm around his and the other against his back so he wouldn't fall. His head rested limply against my shoulder.

        "Don't stay in there for too long, you might end up sharing a cabin." Nico warned. "Personal experience." I rolled my eyes. "I'm not joking. If he wakes up he'll beg you to stay there with him and it's literally impossible to say no."

        "We'll see about that. Night, Chiron." I told him. He nodded and I walked out.

       I was walking down the hill towards the cabins when I saw some figured approaching me. Once they got closer I could tell it was the rest of the seven, minus Annabeth of course. "Is he..?" Piper whispered, gesturing towards Percy. I nodded.

        "He fell asleep?" Leo whispered. I nodded again.

        "Poor boy, I feel so bad." Hazel whispered sadly.

       "I know... I feel like it's our job to protect him now, you know?" Piper asked us. "I mean, it's obvious he's going to be down for a while after this, if not depressed. I'm sure being raped isn't fun." 

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