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It was now midnight I think and I quietly grabbed my small journal from the top of my dresser. I then began to write, like I do almost everyday when I have the chance.

Dear Diary, it's been a while since I wrote in this but we all know why no questions asked. Stupid parents.
I'm finally going to run away from this place I used to call home. Ever since Dad cheated on Mom it's been chaos. He was such an idiot then the woman left him, served him right. I have everything planned. I'm pretty sure I packed all my items, well most of them at least.
I'm probably going to sneak out the back window in the corner of my room this time, rather than last time. Last time I went through the back door which caused me extra beating from Mom.
Let's wish me luck and hope I don't get caught.. -(Y/N) (L/N)

I opened the window of my room very very quietly. Then I gently set my bag onto the grass outside and I stepped out.

I shut the window behind me, grabbed my bag, and began sprinting.

It's been so long since I've been outside. I engulfed the fresh air and kept running, feeling the wind go through my (H/C) hair.

I smiled a little to myself, I was finally free. Or so I thought.

I made my way to a little clearing, set my stuff down, and lay on the soft grass. The wind blew and I shivered a little, covering myself with the tiny newspaper I stored away in my bag.

I sighed, maybe I can live a life I've never been able to live. Being alone wouldn't be so bad? I mean I was practically alone all the time anyway.

As I drifted away in my thoughts my eyelids started to grow heavy and I blacked out, falling asleep.

I was running along the streets of our town.
Yells and screams we're behind me, but I didn't pay any notice to them.

I felt something drip down my ripped, white T-shirt. It was blood and it covered the shirt. I kept running though, not turning back.

I made my way to the train station and heard the roaring of the train. I was prepared to hop onto the first open train car I saw.

It came roaring by, I chucked my bag onto the first open train car.

Then I was ready to jump, I made a big leap and reached the car until I felt a hand grab my ankle.

I fell to the tracks and rubbed my head then attempting to get up to get after the train.
But the figure held me down, I started to squirm. Then I looked into their eyes, they were a green color with a tint of gray.

He started to speak to me, but all I heard were muffled noises.

"H—, s-op it'- oka- y—— sa-e....."
Their voice began to trail off as it went black and I awoke with a jump.

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