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Before we start the next chapter, I just want to thank everyone who has been reading this. I'm almost at 100 reads and I'm really surprised because the reader honestly sucks. So tysm!
It had been a while since you had been living with at the Curtis home, about a month or less.
Me and the greasers all got along really well, especially you, Pony, and Johnny.
Well you three were the youngest.

That morning I wanted to make breakfast for everyone, but a thought creeped my mind.
Why am I still here? I thought I was escaping this town to go to the country?
But I feel so safe here with the Curtis brothers, and all the greasers in general!

I had to decide soon enough, it's been way too long.

After making some breakfast for the boys, I called upstairs to wake them all up.
"Breakfast! Hurry and get it while it's hot!"
Then the stampede of boys came. Darry in front, Soda trying to climb over Darry, and Pony attempt to go through them all.
Then Johnny just came walking down after them.

Johnny had stayed here too because one his parents didn't care and two Pony thought it was a good idea to let him stay here to escape his parents.
"Oh yeah I still haven't told them about my they don't need to know," I mumbled to myself.

I passed out four plates with bacon and eggs on them, then grabbed the spare chocolate cake.
I knew the Curtis brothers ate it almost all the time. Really it's like they live on the dessert.

They all sat down on the couch, turning on the TV and watching Mickey Mouse.
It was hilarious how they all still watch that show. Then Pony walked over to me, plate in hand. "Do you need some help?" He asked.

I shook my head, "NoI'm fine, thanks."
He shrugged, "at least let me help with the dishes."
"Well, ok," I then passed him a wash cloth.
After breakfast, all of the greasers started arriving.
Although Darry, Soda, and Steve all left for work.

Dally had the idea to go to the drive-in tonight.
Me, Pony, and Johnny had nothing better to do, so you thought why not.
But Two-Bit said he may catch up later, having something to do. You all made your way to the drive-in, and grabbed some seats.
Then Dally started messing with the two girls in front of us.
"Man is it just me or is it hot out here, ay Pony? "He stuck his feet on the red heads chair and continued messing with her and the other girl.

She snapped, "Get your feet off my chair, shut your trap!"
Then she turned around again in a huff.
Johnny seemed really uncomfortable, and went to get a coke and some popcorn.

"Whoa calm down girly," Dally smirked.
You were getting a little fed up with this, but you knew you couldn't say anything.
No one messes with Dallas Winston.
But when Johnny came back, he stuck up for the two girls.

"Cmon Dal' leave em' alone,"
Johnny pleaded.
Then Dallas stopped, "Alright Johnny."
You smiled at Johnny, Pony did too.
He had stayed quiet through the hole thing.

Then the red head asked us to come sit with them. Us three all moved up with them.
"I'm Sherri Valance, but everyone calls me Cherry."
"I'm Marcia, nice to meet you all." The other girl smiled at us.
After Johnny and Pony introduced themselves, Twobit came out of no where and started fiddling with Pony's hair.
"Hey guys!" He smirked.

"Who's this?" Cherry asked.
"Oh this is Twobit," You told her.
"Whoa Pony, don't be cheatin' on (Y/N) with these good lookin' ladies!" Twobit smirked.
My face turned completely red. "We're not even dating! Shut up Twobit!" You smacked him and Everyone started laughing.

"Oh wait you never introduced yourself, but I'm guessing your (Y/N)?" Cherry asked.
"Oh yeah, I'm (Y/N) (L/N)." I smiled at her kindly.
"Are you a greaser too?" Marcia asked.
"Well I would suppose you can consider me one, but I'm just living with Pony and his brothers due to- er- reasons." You started looking a little flustered.
"Oh what were you going to say (Y/N)?" Johnny asked.
"Uh nothing! I'm just gonna watch the movie.."

Soon all of us, and soon Dally, were watching the screen and laughing with each other.
When the movie was over you and the boys led the girls to Twobits car.
And then the blue mustang pulled up.
Sorry cliffhanger! But all of you people who've read The Outsiders know what happens!
I don't own Outsiders I hope you figured that out btw.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2019 ⏰

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