Chapter 23

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You walk towards Jack and give him a hug. He wraps his arms around you putting. His head in your neck.
You both release each other and take a step back.

You: Sorry that I wasn't ready. I got distracted.
Jack: It's cool. I grew up with all girls, I'm used to it.

You: Hey!
You say giggling and hitting jack on his shoulder.

Jack: Owww, why did you hit me! You monster!

Jack says holding his arm in pain. Clearly exaggerating.

You just smile at him before grabbing that water bottle off of the kitchen counter and opening the door.

You: You ready?
Jack: Yeah, want me to turn the tv off?
You: Please.

Jack turns the tv off, and you turn on the kitchen light. So that you don't come home to a dark house.

Jack walks out in front of you while you unlock the door, and leads you to his car.

He walks to the passenger side and opens the door for you.

You: You're so cute.
Jack just smiles in return. He closes the door, and quickly walks to the driver side and gets in.

He starts to pull out of your complex and start down to Venice.

Jack: You're apartment is nice.
You: Thanks. But yours is way better.

Jack just looks over at you with a bored expression.

You: What?
You ask with your eyebrows squished together.

Jack looks back at the road, getting over in the left lane to make a turn.

Jack: Please don't tell me you are one of those girls who can't take a compliment.

You: whatever Jack. No I am not one of those girls...

You trail off.

You: Ok well maybe a little.

Jack just laughs.

You: But I tell the truth. You can't look me in my eyes and tell me that my apartment is better than yours.

Jack: Yeah I know I can't, but still.

You look over at jack with your jaw dropped.

You: you weren't supposed to agree with me you jerk.

You say and hit his shoulder playfully.

Jack: you didn't let me finish....

Jack says as he continues to drive down the street smoothly.

Jack: I can't look you in your eyes because I'm driving. And that's dangerous.

You start laughing at his response but decide to keep quiet.

The rest of the ride you both just make conversation and listen to music.

When Jack pulls into a parking space, you both get out of the car and start on your journey to meet the boys. They were near a pizza place around the board walk.

You: It's so cool down here.

Jack: Yeah it is. When it's less crowded down here, I like to come and skateboard.

You: We've got to come and do it together.

Jack: You skate?
Jack asks looking amused.

You: I've done it a few times. I'm not a professional but I can make my way 'round.

Jack: Dope. Have you been down here since you moved here.

You: No, I've been wanting to come but I've been tied up. This was actually one of the first things I've wanted to do since I got down here.

Bullied by Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now