Chapter 26

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You wake up the next morning in a very familiar bedroom. You sit up and look over and see a sleeping Jack in the same bed as you.

You felt bad and convinced him to sleep with you. But you decided to build a pillow fort in between you two.

You look to the night stand, grab your phone and go into the bathroom.

You are currently wear the hoodie Jack gave you and nothing else. It got really hot in the middle of the night so you took of the sweatpants Jack gave you.
After you use the bathroom and brush your teeth using the toothbrush he also gave to you. You walk out of the bathroom and Jack is still sleeping.
So you put his sweats back on and walk into the living room.
The time is currently 10:26. You go into the kitchen and sit on the counter. And you decide to call your mom.

Mom: Hey hun!
You: Hey mom
Mom: How is it down there.
You: It's alright, I joined a dance studio.
Mom: Thats great. But have you found a job?
You: No not yet. Jobs aren't that easy to find around here.
Mom: Well you better get to gettin' because we can't throw you our life savings. L.A isn't cheap.
You: Yes mom I know. I'll try my best I promise.
Mom: Alright then, how's Ashton doing.
You: We aren't exactly on the best of terms.
Mom: Really what happened?
You: I'll get into it another time. Long story short he's being over protective.
Mom: About who.
You: Jack..
Mom: Jack who?
You: Mom you know Jack.
Mom: The one who bullied you? He's in Los Angeles.
You: Yeah mom. He's well known. But we've been kicking it and Ashton just throws tantrums about it.

As you were talking you see Jack from his bedroom. And he goes into the bathroom. From where you're sitting on the counter, you have a clear shot to his room.

Mom: I'm assuming my opinion won't matter.. but just be careful.
You:  I will mom.. but I spoke to his mom, and the rest of the boys. And his mom wants to talk to you and dad. Since y'all didn't get to talk.
Mom: Alright I'll talk to your dad when he gets back. He should be here tonight, and I'll get back to you on it. I wanna meet Jack too.

Jack comes out of his room and sees you on the counter. You see he has his phone in his hand and he has slides on.

You: Hold on mom.

You turn your phone away from you.

You: Good Morning.
Jack: GoodMorning, I'll be back I have to get something from downstairs.

You: Alright, I'll be here.

Jack smiles and walks out letting the door close behind him.

You put the phone back to your ear.

You: Hello.
Mom: Yeah, Who were you talking to?
You: Jack, I slept over his apartment last night.
Mom: lord.
You: I'm alright mom.
Mom: Ok well you be safe and have fun. And make sure you talk it out with Ashton. Whatever y'all are going through. And I'll talk to your dad tonight.
You: Ok, I love you. And miss you.
Mom: love you too. I'll talk to you later.
You: Ok bye.
Mom: bye.

You hang up the phone and stay at your spot on the counter. You go onto Instagram and decide to post those pictures from yesterday.

You post them with the caption of.

Xx Had fun at the beach last night xX

You tag Jack in the picture of both of you. And you also give Daniel a pop tag at the bottom of both pictures since he took the photos.

As soon as you posted it, a bunch of notifications starting coming in. From people liking and commenting on the post.

You decide to leave Instagram and go onto Snapchat, but as soon as you did Jack comes through the door. With a bag, inside the were two food containers. In his other hand was a cup holder with two drinks in them.

Bullied by Jack AveryWhere stories live. Discover now