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Hey guys, new chapter. I know, I know, in Brazil it's almost 5:00 in the morning and I'm here posting hahahaha. But don't worry guys, it's because I'm having a really boring party so I'm posting now. Hope you like it ^^


After a long night of work it was finally over. I had just cleaned the cage of some creatures and fed some. I was distracted by putting food for Zouwu when some of the artists came after me.

— Hey Credence! One of the circus performers Lorran called me and putting your hands on the cage rails.

— Hello Lorran. I nodded my head. — Skender will take everyone somewhere to celebrate by the show today. You like to go? Pierre asked. I smiled sideways and left the cage of the Zouwu making a slight affection on his head. Zouwu reminded me of that nice British who was in New York. — Sorry Pierre, but I'd rather stay. Besides, it's to celebrate you and not to me that I only take care of the creatures. I said leaning against the cage. Pierre and Lorran were nice, they treated me well and everything and they always wanted to take me to these nights of their celebrations, but I would rather stay here with Nagini and spend the night talking to her. Just to remember her I already felt a smile forming on my face.

— Are you sure? Pierre asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. — Yes. I said smiling. They laughed clapping their hands behind my back and they walked away talking. I finished doing things there and got the bucket and went back to doing the tasks. It was when I was passing the bathroom I heard a cry inside. I stopped walking recognizing that voice, it was Nagini. I stopped in front of the door.

— Nagini? Are you alright? I asked worriedly. Since this morning she didn't seem to be feeling well and seemed to be very sad. — I'm fine, Credence. I'm just ... I'm a little discouraged. She said hoarsely. I heard the sound of falling water and she sniffled a little. All I wanted was to hold her and comfort her.

— Can I do anything to help? I asked. She remained silent for a long time until I heard the water stop falling and a noise in the door leaving me confused. — Y-you can enter? She asked stammering. My cheeks turned red and for a moment I paralyzed on the floor. I breathed and went into the bathroom. I closed the door and soon I felt arms wrapped around my body, felt my clothes getting a little wet, but I didn't care and kept her close to me as much as I could.

— Nagini, I'm here. I said caressing her wet shoulder. She had her head against my chest, holding my arms. — It is a little better? I asked after a little while.

— I am. She moved away from my arms a little. — I'm sorry for this. She said pointing to me that she was totally wet.

— That's nothing. I said wiping your eyes and kissing her forehead. — I'll be here with you and if you want to talk I'll stay here. I said. She just nodded with a sad smile and came back and turned on the water again.

— Credence ... I know it's silly what I'm going to say but ... I still want your hug. She said with red cheeks and I felt my face blush a little. So I took off my vest and took off my shirt hanging them in the door, took off my boots and my pants keeping me in only underwear. I approached and got under the water with her hugging her. She hugged me back and laid her head on my shoulder. We stood there just letting the warm water fall on both of us, it was so different to have your body so close to mine.

— Nagini, what happened?

— I remembered her today. Nagini murmured. — From who? I asked, stroking her loose, wet hair.

— From my mother. Oh Credence I was young when she turned forever ... and I couldn't say goodbye. She said crying a little. — Soon after she left and I never saw her again. Nagini said squeezing my shoulders tightly. I started to say things in her ear to reassure her, I hate to see Nagini sad this way especially when she is sad because of her curse. 

— I know it does not help much, but one day we'll get out of here and I'll do my best to figure out how to get rid of this curse. And your mother I know wherever she is she loves you very much. I said trying to comfort her to the fullest. She nodded, snuggling even closer against me. We stayed a little more underwater and then we left. Nagini dried herself up and wore a blue dress she wore to sleep on and I dried myself, throwing the towel over my back as my clothes were wet. We left the bathroom and returned to the trailer where we slept, I put on a pair of briefs and dry pants and then took Nagini down to his bed.

— Do you mind if I sleep with you today? I asked shyly.

— No. I really wish you slept here with me. She said. I smiled sideways caressing her face and laying me down with her beside me pulling her close and hugging.

— Good evening, Credence. And thank you. She said with a half smile burying her face in the curve of my neck resting her hands on my chest. I kissed the top of her head slightly.

— Good evening, Nagini. I will always be here for you. I whispered, stroking his back. Slowly we both fell asleep. 

So this is the chapter   Oh I know today is Valentine's Day in some countries {on Brazil isn't today} so happy Valentine's Day 

So this is the chapter ❤  Oh I know today is Valentine's Day in some countries {on Brazil isn't today} so happy Valentine's Day ❤

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