Wedding Part. 1 - Together Forever

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Credence and Nagini are finally getting married ❤ There will be two chapters, the first of the wedding and the party and the other chapter about their intimate night. Ah, the wedding clothes of Credence and Nagini, I based myself on the wedding clothes of Bryan Dechart and his wife Amelia, because of that have a photo of them in the cover photo ^^ Here specifically Queenie didn't join the Grindelwald, Leta didn't die and Newt and Tina adopted Credence. Well I hope you like it ❤



Of all the days of my life today is the day that I'm more agitated and nervous. Today is the day that Nagini and I are getting married. I'm very happy but very apprehensive. I wish I could know how Nagini was now, but I couldn't see her now. I was in front of the mirror distracted in our bedroom getting dressed when I heard the door opening. I turn to see who was entering. 

— I wanted to know how you're doing. Newt said entering the room and staying by my side. 

— Leta came from where they are getting ready, she said that Nagini is very beautiful. He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him smiling as I took my suspenders that were stretched out on top of the mirror. — I'm very agitated dad. I said as I put on the suspenders. Even Newt and Tina four years ago adopted me I still felt different in calling them father and mother, but it's was a very good different, I feel very proud to call them so. Newt helped me with the back of the suspenders. Theseus and Jacob suddenly entered the room as well. 

— How's our boy? Theseus asked standing on my other side. — Are you nervous? Jacob asked. 

— I'm, did you feel that way when you got married? I asked the three of them. They nodded making me laugh and look at the mirror again. — Oh, Professor Dumbledore just arrived and I brought your suit Credence. Theseus said smiling lifting up the suit.

— Thank you very much! You're the best uncles and the best father I could ever have. I said blushing, they smiled and hugged my shoulders. They helped me keep preparing while they gave their last details on their clothes.


Tina and Queenie were helping me with the dress. He was very simple and his sleeves were well below the shoulders. 

— You look very beautiful, Nagini. Tina said as she finished closing my dress. — Thank you, Tina. I said smiling. 

— Now let's prepare your hair. Queenie said loosening my hair. I felt happiness overflowing out of me. I couldn't stop smiling a moment and also could not help but get a little nervous. I was getting married... I was going to marry with Credence the most important person in my life. The time was coming. 

— She's so excited. I heard Queenie say make me laugh. Soon we saw Leta enter the bedroom again. 

— I brought you the flowers you asked Queenie. She said sitting on the bed handing the flowers to Queenie. — Thank you honey. Queenie said smiling and waving her wand and making a kind of small bow with the flowers. Tina started to do my hair, she helped me to comb it and Leta spent makeup on me, it was quite simple. When they finished I put some of the lipstick that Queenie had given me and Tina made a fringe of my hair placing on the left side of my forehead.

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