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Third person POV:
   It was a regular day at the manor the twins playing with there pets Jason and  Tim playing video games and Dick reading. It was something that happened when they had nothing to do or surprisingly they all could stand each other tho (Y/n) and Dick have no problem getting along with everyone (y/n) is quiet and only communicates thru sign language with Cass or Right things down. So in school when you first started he said you were mute so your class was gonna learn sign language to help you a bit. But after your death and spoke for the first time your father of course asked if you wanted this first a speech class. Which you didn't know what to say or we'll sign in response.

  Damian was still a little against it but it was your answer. You said no which surprised nobody you of course trusted them but you couldn't bring yourself to use your words due to your paranoia and fears holding you to the ground. After stated school back up your class of course said they were happy to have you back in so you can catch up on your studies which you didn't need so when ever Damian left for the library you went. When Jon saw you had returned he hugged you and smiled as you awkwardly patted his back.

Today was like every other day in the cave Damian training Tim on the computer Jason cleaning his guns Dick playing on his phone at a table while you were talking to Cass thru sign language. Tim and Damian soon begone to argue about who was stronger until they all heard a small voice saying "You both are strong just in different areas.." they all look towards the little sister of the family. You were working on new things for your suit before looking up and seeing them all looking at you your face turned red from embarrassment "(Y/N) JUST TALKED!" Yelled Tim looking at the girl while the others got rid of there shocked faces and called Bruce in here they soon all arrived in there confused and over joyed at the girl tho you didn't say it you felt like a child which you do not like at all. Damian saw your sour face and told the others your problem with being treated this. They understood by were still amazed that you had gotten comfortable enough to speak a little they were so happy about this and just wanted this to last forever. You soon left quietly sneaking away from the others but stopped by (D/n) barking at you and they all saw you as you ran off. They now had a better understanding of your discomfort with this attention and wanted to make this up to you but not knowing how or when at all they just knew that they needed to fix this one way or another.

    Later in the evening you came down for dinner and it was all your favorites you looked at your family "sorry pipsqeak we got over excited." Jason said ruffling her hair in a friendly way Dick smiled at the two you smiled at the others aswell. Words might almost never come out but they are expressed in different ways.

I did it now imma work on a request for this yee bai! And thanks for reading my story!

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