Crappy Offer

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So earlier today I received an offer from some sight based in Singapore called Dreame. They wanted to offer me $120USD and $60USD for Well Fuck Me and Protect Me. Can you believe that? On top of that if I did do that I would've only been allowed to keep the first 5 chapters and the table of contents for each book on here then put a link that lead to their sight where you could read the rest but you would be charged. Not only that, but if I did do that, those books would've stayed forever as EBooks instead of becoming a physical book like I one day hope they'll be.

I hadn't even heard of them until today, but I did confirm they were legit.

So good news for you guys I'm not going to take them up on their offer, but for those of you who have Dreame, and you see my work plagiarized will you let me know?

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