The Creation of Ven

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~~I have to say, even though this rp is very unusual, I have never had so much fun doing one! I hope you all enjoy as well!~~

Ven suddenly appears between Vio and Sez

Ven: points at Vio Daddy!

Vio: Daddy?!

Ven: points at Sez Dad!

Sez: glares at the child ...

Vio: He looks just like both of us...

Ven: smiles and blushes I was made for daddy and dad :3

Sez: glares harder can I kill it?

Vio: grabs Ven and picks him up in his arms NO you can't kill an innocent child!

Sez: tch starts walking away

Ven: starts crying D-don't leave me, Dad!

Vio: pats Ven on the head There there.. don't cry..

Ven: cries harder

Vio: winces What do I do I don't know how to take care of a child

Ven: continues to cry DAD!!!!

Vio: ugh... runs after Sez Sez! Get back here and take care of your child! What kind of man are you?!

they catch up to Sez outside

Vio: Sez, this is your child too! Help me take care of him!

Sez: stops walking and turns around ... stares at the child

Ven: immediately grows happy Dad! reaches out his arms for Sez to take him from Vio

Vio: nervous about what Sez will do he just wants you to pick him up

Sez: stares and his face grows pale

Vio: Please, it isn't so hard holds Ven out to Sez

Sez: ... slowly lifts his arms and takes Ven from Vio, holding him awkwardly in from of himself

Vio: you... have to hold him closer than that... not at an arm's length away... at least do something right, like my flawless self~

Sez: glares at Vio and opens his mouth to say something but...

Bellona: approaches the three from behind Good afternoon you two! I wouldn't expect to see both of you together and actually holding a conversation. she can't see Ven because Sez's body is in the way

Sez: has a look of panic before throwing Ven back at Vio and spinning around in front of them yes... good afternoon...

Bellona: Is something the matter? You look very pale.. Shall I escort you to a Soul Weaver?

Sez: I am fine.

Bellona: waves her fan if you say so tries to lean around Sez to see Vio but Sez blocks her

Bellona: Sez... What are you doing?

Sez: ...

Bellona: tries to see again

Sez: moves to block her

Bellona: annoyed Sez, what is going on?

Sez: ...

Bellona: Sez

Sez: ...I don't want you to see Violet.

Bellona: confused and why exactly?

Sez: I do not want to explain...

Bellona: hmph fine then turns and leaves

Sez: turns back to Vio

both Vio and Sez are pale and nervous as Ven hugs Vio tightly

Sez: We need to get rid of this child

Vio: covers Ven's ears Get rid of him?! How dare you propose such a thing while he is present!

Sez: growls ...he appeared from nowhere and claims that we are his fathers. It is not possible. That is not mine.

Vio: He looks exactly like us! There is no mistaking that he must be connected to us somehow!

Sez: I do not care. If you want to take care of it, then go ahead. Do not expect me to. turns and walks away

Vio: Grrr... That jerk. lifts Ven onto his shoulders and draws his sword with one hand holding onto Ven hold onto me, Ven!

Ven: grips Vio's hair

Vio: Ouch! Not like that! My beautiful hair~ T-T moves Ven's hands to hold onto him a different way

Ven: points at Sez Charge!!!


Sez: looks back surprised I will not! begins to run away at top speed

Vio: Get back here!!!

Vio and a laughing Ven chase Sez until he manages to get away

Vio: panting Damn- I mean... Darn him... That jerk... takes Ven off of his shoulders don't worry, even if he won't be here for you, I'll take care of you. Even if it costs me my beauty dramatic sigh

Ven: looks sad

Vio: Don't worry, Sez will come around eventually... realizes the child doesn't have a name ...Ven... would you like me to call you Ven?

Ven: I like it, Daddy! :3

Vio: grins Good. Let's go home. 

~~I actually play all four of these characters and wrote this as an intro to Ven for my friend. I'm going to ask her to do the same with Lillion (Kay and Vil's kid), but I don't know if she will. You'll see it as the next chapter if she does. I'll probably write more scenes like this by myself since my friend isn't always around and I have an obsession with Ven >.< I sort of take inspiration with Violet's personality from Zen who comes from the app game Mystic Messenger. I don't know if it was noticeable lol but since they are both narcissistic, I enjoy comparing them. Anyway, see you in the next one!~~ 

Epic 7 Roleplay: Tales of Their FathersWhere stories live. Discover now