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A week after Ven appeared, Vio takes him to see Sez and they find him outside.

Ven: D-Dad?

Sez: looks down at the child Why did you bring it here?

Vio: You can't ignore him for the rest of your life! And stop calling him "it"! His name is Ven!

Sez: So you named it now? Great...

Ven: You can call me whatever... But I just want to... spend time with you...

Sez: No.

Vio: How can you say no to that!? his fists clench in rage

Sez: I'm leaving turns to go and begins walking down the path

Vio: Grr.. goes to take a step but is interrupted

Ven: W-wait! runs to Sez

Sez: turns around with an angry look on his face What?

Ven: I... I uh...

Sez: Say it.

Ven: I-I love you, Dad! Goodbye!

Sez: is surprised but quickly recovers, spinning around to walk away Bye leaves

Ven: runs to Vio with tears in his eyes Daddy... Why doesn't Dad love me?

Vio: sighs before taking a knee and putting his hand on Ven's head I'm not sure, but no matter what he feels, I love you, Ven.

Ven: Y-you do? You promise me?

Vio: smiles Of course, I swear it upon my amazing looks~

Ven: his face brightens Yay!! Ven takes off running Race me home, Daddy!

Vio: Hey! That's no fair! There wasn't a countdown! laughs and takes off after Ven

Epic 7 Roleplay: Tales of Their FathersWhere stories live. Discover now