Chapter 2

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(3rd person POV)

After everyone returned to the SHIELD helicarrier, it was time to find the rest of the avengers. Fury and Olivia would retrieve Steve Rogers, Captain America. Coulson was going to Stark Tower to inform Tony stark then after that he would meet his daughter who would bring Steve Rogers while Fury went back to the helicarrier alone. Natasha Romanoff had received the news of what happened at NASA, what happened to Clint, she was going to retrieve Bruce Banner, the hulk.

Olivia now stood in a small gym in New York with Nick Fury at her side. They watched as Steve continued his angry punching. Olivia stood like the solider and agent she was - standing straight with her hands clasped behind her back. Nick and Liv didn't wear their SHIELD uniforms but went for a sort of casual look to not catch attention. Nick wore a black suit with all black shirt and tie.

While Liv wore a pair of black skinny jeans, a blue vest top with the colour that matched her eyes, a black leather jacket and a pair of black heeled ankle boots that made her nicks height. Her hair was down straight that ran to the small of her back.

Olivia had never met the captain before she had only read his file last night when she was given it.

The captain continued to punch at the bag not even knowing that Nick fury and the superhero he'd never knew about was there too. All the memories came fast like waves. Bucky, the serum, the army, Peggy, the river and ice, and worst of all the day he woke up after discovering he had been asleep for 70 years.

With that last punch the punching bag chain snapped and the bag went flying into the wall and just about split in half. Steve sighed as he picked up another punching bag from the line he had lay out and hooked it onto the ceiling. Still unaware of his guests watching.

Steve started off with a light few punches again when he heard the familiar voice of Nick Fury. "Trouble sleeping?"

"I slept for seventy years sir, I think I had my rest" Steve said as he to unwrap the tape on his hands.

"Well then you should be out celebrating, seeing the world," Nick said. Olivia had still kept silent as she knew that the Captain had no idea she was there.

(Steve's POV)

I finished undoing the tape on my wrists and turned around to speak to the director but stopped when I saw the young woman beside him. I froze, I hadn't seen someone so beautiful since I first saw Peggy walk into the stork club. The girl before Fury wore black skinny jeans, a white/blue vest top, a black leather jacket and a pair of what looked like a mix of boots and heels which I had seen a lot of women wear since I woke. Her hair was a long blonde and straight. Then her eyes were what caught My attention the most, they were a bright blue colour, almost white and they seemed to glow slightly. She stood like a soldier, the way we stood back in the 40's at the base during the war. Arms behind her back, shoulders straight, feet apart. It was strange to see a woman stand like that that wasn't Peggy.

"Cap, I'd like to introduce one of my best agents to you. This is Olivia Coulson. Been trained to be the agent she is since she was 9 and has high intelligence and very powerful" Fury said and the girl nodded once in respect.

"Powerful?" I repeated.

"Mutant" Olivia said plainly as if she'd heard the word all her life she didn't say anything else so Fury seemed to continue for her.

"Another thing you have to catch up to Cap. Mutants are people with gifts and powers, some are good, others not so nice. They are all different. And Olivia here is one of the most powerful mutants in the world-"

"Nick" Olivia hissed but her gaze at the wall and her professional stance didn't move. Fury ignored her as he continued on "-she can control all the elements, including weather, some energies, electricity and my favourite lightning" Fury smirked looking at Olivia, who in return turned her head to glare at him. I tried my best to keep the small smile off my face but it was having other thoughts.

"Okay introductions and the life questions of my powers can wait until later can we get back to what's important here?" Olivia snapped.

It was silent for a moment before I decided to speak up "When I went under, the world was at war. I wake up they say we won, but they didn't say what we lost" I sighed walking over and sitting on a wooden bench.

"We've made some mistakes along the way. Some very recently." Fury explained.

"You here with a mission, sir?" I asked not looking up as I stared at the wooden floor board.

"I am" was the reply.

"Trying to get me back into the world?" I sighed.

"We're trying to save it" a different voice from Fury's said. I looked up at Olivia as she held out a large paper folder to me which had the black SHIELD stamp on top. I met Olivia's eyes for a second and I was sure I saw a spark A gold colour in her Iris' almost like a dancing flame colour. I accepted the folder from her and opened up the page to look at a picture of the tesseract and pages filled with information.

It was like a slap to the face seeing the tesseract image, it brought back memories of the night I crashed the ship back in the forties. When I last heard Peggy's voice. Olivia was so much like Peggy, not her looks or appearance or the 'mutant' part of her but the personality, the professionalism for her work, the soldier like part of her.

"Hydras secret weapon" I stated out loud with a sigh.

"Howard Stark fished that out of the water when he was looking for you" Olivia explained.

"He thought what we think," Fury continued "the tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world needs dearly"

"Who took it from you?" I asked.

"His name is Loki. He's not from around here. There's a lot well have to bring you up to speed on if you're in. This world has gotten a lot stranger than you already know" Fury said.

"At this point, I doubt anything would surprise me" I said standing up and heading to my gym bag on the floor beside the row of punching bags. I tucked the folder inside my bag zipping it up. I reached to unhook the punching bag from the chain but before I could a large yellow zap of light shot it snapping it off the chain and the punching bag that was just about in half flew into the wall with a heavy thud. When I looked at the wall I saw the spiderweb cracks around the area where the bag hit.

"How bout that?" Olivia voice teased. I turned round and looked at her. She had one hand held a little higher to her side and with what I could see there was little yellow zaps dancing between her fingers.


The lighting sparks glowed a white/yellow colour as they danced between her fingers, up her wrist then circling up her arm stopping at her shoulder.

Fury laughed as my eyes widened from the sight in front of me. "10 bucks says your wrong. Many things in this world surprise people especially someone like you would be." Fury smirked.

"Guys this little bet of yours does not include my powers or mutation" Olivia hummed.

"Deal?" Fury smirked.

"Deal" I said plainly.

"Agent Coulson will take you back to your apartment, you can grab some things you need, then she will bring you back to HQ" Fury explained. I nodded and picked up my gym bag. Then grabbed a punching bag balancing it on my shoulder as I carried it.

I followed Olivia outside of the gym where we came to a sleek black car. I was confused why Fury didn't come with us but I guess that he would leave separately. Olivia opened up the boot of the car and I placed my stuff inside before climbing inside the passenger seat of the car. Olivia was already in the drivers seat starting up the car.

"My address is-" I started but she cut me off.

"Ohh no, it's fine I know where it is" she said keeping her eyes on the road as we started driving down the street.

"Oh..." Was all I could say. It was sort of strange how she would know, maybe she read my file or something. But I'm surprised I'd never seen hers before.

We drove in silence down many roads until once again I decided to break the silence. "Fury said that you had been training since you were 9, training to be what exactly?"

Olivia Coulson 《 Avengers/Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now