Chapter 5

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(Olivia's POV)

"Seems the Cap has eyes for you" Natasha whispered in my ear with a smirk.

I smiled and nodded before leaning over to whisper to her "I noticed"

We finally came into the large control room, filled with Agents, computers and the machinery we used. When we arrived Fury was giving out orders and the helicarrier turned into it's hidden mode. Basically turning invisible. And Nick used his usual line which I loved "let's vanish,"

Natasha disappeared over to a computer looking at Clint's file while he was being searched for through cameras. I couldn't help but smile when I saw Bruce and Steve's faces, as they looked around in total awe.

"Gentlemen, Agent Coulson" Nick greeted as he turned away from him main controls. I just smiled and nodded once at him. I walked over to nicks side at his little section, which may I point out only so many people are aloud at Fury's controls -like 4- and I was one of them! Ha!

I stood with my arms folded over my chest as I watched Steve and Bruce look around. Steve was still looking around the room when he walked towards Nick and pulled out a $10 note, handing it to him before continuing to look around. I smirked at Fury, he returned it with a small smile as he stuck the money in his pocket.

Fury started to walk over to Bruce who looked like he felt uncomfortable as he saw the guns the agents around him had. "Doctor, thank you for coming" Fury told the doctor.

"Thanks for asking nicely" Bruce said. Well, Nat must have been very convincing and flirty... "So, long am I staying?"

"Once we get our hands on the tesseract, you're in the clear" Fury said crossing his arms and casually leaning against a table.

"Where are you with that?" Bruce asked fury. Fury pointed over to my dad who was near by some computers.

"We're sweeping every wireless accessible camera on the planet. Cell phones, laptops, if it's connected to a camera it's eyes and ears for us" dad explained.

"That's still not gonna find them in time" Natasha said and I rubbed her arm in comfort. I knew what she was going through, she had strong feelings for Clint and he felt the same. But they hadn't admitted their love to each other yet. But I will make it happen in the end, they're meant for each other.

Fury and Bruce continued their conversation, as Bruce gave some orders that would help us find Clint, Selvig and Loki. I knew for a fact it's not gonna be enough cause we didn't have the time to wait. Suddenly my phone started to ring. Confused, I pulled it out of my jacket pocket.

Looking at the name on the screen, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I hadn't seen this name in so long. "Liv, everything alright?" Nick asked making my head snap up to see dad, Steve, Bruce and himself looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah, uh...excuse me a sec' "I said quickly before running out of the room. I reached one of the empty labs and locked the door behind me before pulling out my earpiece and switching it off.

I slid my thumb across the green answer icon and pulled the phone to my ear "Professor Xavier?" I was shocked when I heard that wise calm British accent answer.

"It's good to talk to you Olivia, it's been some time. But conversations can happen later, I have something to tell you, I know the location of the man your looking for" Professor Xavier said.

I thought for a second still over the shock that the professor had actually called me to tell me something. Then his words hit me and all I could force out was a whisper "Loki"

Ohhhh, I'm liking where this is keep reading. I'm working on the next chapter now ;-)

Love you Avengers xx

Thanks Megan

Olivia Coulson 《 Avengers/Steve RogersWhere stories live. Discover now