no homo.

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The moment when Joe walked in not even having the time to open his mouth Ben walked towards him. " There you fucking are. " Ben started taking off his own shirt. " Needy? " Joe asked scoffing. " Yes. " He confessed before lifting Joe's head up with his hand grabbing his jaw. " What. " Joe asked looking at the boy with a dead glare. " Where were you that it was more important than me? " The blonde asked." None of your fucking business, I came here to fuck not to fucking talk about our days. " Joe responded curtly. Ben smirked leaning in but right before their lips touched he pulled away. Ofcourse, Joe thought. They never kissed because Ben found it too gay. That's the most funny part about all of this. They are both straight but still fuck. 

" I hope you used a fucking condom I don't want any of your gross ass diseases. " Joe said zipping up his pants looking at him rolling his eyes when he was yet again smoking. " Fuck you I don't have them and yes I used it. " Ben said still laying in bed while staring at the boy dressing himself. Joe looked in the mirror seeing the blonde staring at him. " What? " He asked buttoning his blouse. Ben took an inhale and shook his head blowing out the smoke. " Nothing. " He said while grinning. Joe rolled his eyes before he tried to get his watch around his wrist. He soon felt arms around his waist. " I have to go. " Joe tried to explain when Ben was kissing his neck softly. Joe felt his legs starting to give up. ' You weak ass pussy. ' He told himself.

" Okay we both know you don't own a fucking cat so what was wrong? " Gwil started speaking while looking at his friend. " It was nothing. " Joe brushed off waving his hand to just let it go. The thing is, yesterday. Joe was about to go but instead Ben was being an annoying piece of shit so they fucked, again. That's was also more of the reason why he was wearing his hoodie and making sure it was covering up his neck. He and Ben agreed on never leaving hickeys where to see but there was this one just above his collarbone that you could actually see. " Why are you being so secretive dude literally ever sinc- " Gwil stopped while Joe was grabbing something out of his backpack making his hoodie reveal it. He still didn't notice Gwil looking at it and just thought the boy was just spacing out again. " You gotta keep smoking it's making you stop in the middle of your own fucking sentences dude. " Joe said finally coming up after trying to search something inside of his backpack but not finding it. " Who was it? " Gwil asked looking at his friend and Joe looked at him in confusion. " What do you mean? " Joe asked cocking his head to the side. Gwil pointed at his neck. It took Joe a little 4 seconds before his eyes got wider. " Fuck. " He cursed. " Now tell me, who was it. " 

" BEN?! " Gwil yelled and Joe almost climbed up the table to shut him up. " When I let my hand go, " Joe started with his hand on Gwil's mouth. " You won't talk, got it? " Gwil nodded. When Joe let down his hand and leaned back in his seat Gwil looked at him with his eyes still wide open. " Fucking what?! Joe yelled in a whisper since they were already out in public. " Yes we fucked, many times. " Joe confessed as if it was nothing but Gwil let out a dramatic gasp. " Why? " Gwil asked leaning in. Joe shrugged, " He's good. " he said while playing with the fries. Gwil just happened to take sip making the words choke him. " That's gross. " He said. " How did it actually, happen? " 

ok so next part is a whole ass story how it happened so dont get confused 🤠👊🏼

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