a night we will unfortunately not forget.

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Joe remembered being drunk as fuck. It was at a party, he doesn't quite remember.

" So you coming tonight? " Gwil asked sitting infront of him. " Nah I'm good. " Joe responded still scrolling through instagram. " Awh come on dude you can't stay at home this party is like once in a lifetime! " Gwil said really dramatic. " You are overreacting. " Joe stated while rolling his eyes. " Well- maybe I am but, what's the problem? You won't die if you will go to a party once you know? " He was right, Joe thought. But still he wasn't really in the mood to go since- 

His thoughts got cut off by someone interrupting him. " Oh no please don't tell me YOU are going to come. " The blonde boy said letting his head fall back while letting out a groan. " Nevermind you won't go anyways since you're boring as fuck. " Joe sighed deeply and put his phone down on the table. " Is there something you fucking need Hardy? " Joe asked. It was Ben ofcourse. As long as Joe knew the boy he also knew that at day one they didn't like each other. The ' Didn't like ' part slowly tuned into hate. " Nothing just want to inform you that you can stay at your house doing I don't know crack– " 

" I'm not you. " Joe interrupted him but Ben kept talking. " Just I don't know what lonely frat boys do. " When Ben walked away Gwil groaned and shook his head. " He is so annoying. " When Gwil looked up he could clearly see that there was something bothering Joe. " Hey dude listen, it's okay if you don't com- " Gwil started but flinched when Joe put down his phone again so hard he might thought his whole phone would break. " You know? This onky made me want to go more. Fuck Ben he can literally get ran over for all I care. I am coming. "

Little did Joe know that he then made the biggest mistake ever. 

" Hey you came! " Lucy said as she cut her conversation off with Gwil. " Yeah, ofcourse. " Joe said and soon after someone yelled something in the livingroom. He decided to take a look even tho he might've already know who's voice it was. " So tonight, we are all gonna get fucked, getting drunk and high! " Ben yelled as he stood on the table and everyone yelled. " The only shitty thing about this party is that he's here. " Joe said when he walked back to his friends. " Just ignore him and have fun. " Lucy said putting her hand on his shoulder. In Joe's head it sounded easy to ignore Ben. It was what he was doing already for 3 full years. But he wished it was that easy to complete that mission.

He didn't know how he and Ben ended up making out in the bathroom. It was probably because they were both drunk and high. It was also probably because everyone was basically being horny. It had nothing to do with Joe itself.

When they pulled apart after a whole 30 minutes just making out and touching each other they realized how actually not that drunk they were anymore. Joe pushed Ben off of him. " Fuck you, you're disgusting. " He said as he wiped his mouth. " Me? Wasn't it you who were halfway grinding against me just now?! " Ben asked obviously furious. " Dude you clearly began doing whatever the fuck that was- " Joe said voice becoming louder but Ben cut him off. " It's called making out you probably never even fucking heard of it. " At this point they were just really having a fight and Joe would lie if he said he wasn't horny. " Fuck you seriously you are so annoying you dumb fuck only fucking as if it a sport! " Joe was actually mad but deep down wanted Ben to kiss him again. Ben took a step closer having Joe more stuck against the sink. " Watch your fucking mouth. " Ben warned but Joe couldn't care less. " Or, fucking, what. " The tension was really high and Joe didn't even think about pushing the boy awa when he kissed him again.

Joe woke up in a unfamiliar room, an unfamiliar bed, an unfamiliar house. He turned around opening his eyes at the same time as Ben did. 

They looked at each other for 10 seconds with eyes wide open before Joe closed his eyes again. " I'm gonna count to 3 and when I open my fucking eyes I hope this was just a illusion. " Joe inhaled deeply and opened his eyes with still Ben laying there. 

" WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?! " They both yelled at the same time.

hey guys so ehm yeah i expected joe to post something since it's valentines day 😔😔 i need my content 😡😰😭

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