talk is overrated.

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" So that's it? " Gwil asked still dumbfounded. " I guess. " Joe responded scratching the back of his head. " Wait, that party was like 1 month ago. " The taller stated squiting his eyes at his friend infront of him. " Well- Yeah. " Joe said because what was there else to say? " And yall are still fucking? " Gwil asked leaning in. " Yeah. " Joe said hanging his head low. " Damn. " Joe never thought Gwil would know it since he was planning to cut off with Ben like a week ago. " Just cut ties with him then? " That's easy saying Joe thought. It looked like with time Joe grew more and more attached to the boy but he still hated him.

" I can't do that. " Joe said letting his head fall ontop of the table. " Why? " Gwil asked raising one eyebrow. " Because- " Joe began and started groaning before he raised his head up again. " I need to get my deeds done too you know? " It sounded like Joe was making a whole scene out of it since he could just stop being dramatic and get someone else to fuck him. The point is, it wasn't that easy since Joe didn't want anyone else to do it. " I know some boys and- " Gwil started but he saw Joe giving him a disgusted look. " What? " He asked. " Boys? You know I'm straight right? " Joe was always straight, doesn't matter that he and Ben fucked. He knew that they both were not gay. " Joe I know you failed biology but I hope you atleast know that getting fucked by a dude isn't that straight. " Well it was true, sort of. But still Joe was sure he wasn't gay. " Yeah but, we don't kiss. " Joe added like that would solve everything. Gwil slapped his forehead dragging his hand down to his face.  " Please tell me that you're joking. " Joe looked at the boy infront of him like he grew 2 heads. " Em, no? Ben said self if we kissed it would get gay and awkward. " 

Gwil tried to speak but no words left his mouth. " You know? Have fun fucking and being not gay. " Gwil said and Joe just nodded and smiled. " Thanks mate appreciate that! "

" So Gwil said this was gay. " Joe said laying on his back. " What? No is he dumb? This isn't gay at all. " Ben responded trying to catch his breath. " I know right! I told him too but he was just being fucking dumb. " Ben nodded in response. " He's probably jealous that he doesn't get laid. " They kept quiet for a while because they actually had a short conversation and they agreed on each other? It was probably because Joe was high. But Joe deep down knew that he didn't smoke that much. 

" Now what? " Joe asked. " Nothing, you leave. We don't talk for 3 days and we fuck again. " Ofcourse Joe thought. What else would there be? " Oh yeah. " Joe said looking next to him and he saw Ben already on Snapchat talking to girls. Joe stood up and put his clothes on. ' Bye. ' Was at the tip of his to gue but he knew that he never said that so why would he do that now? Joe was about to leave until he heard Ben speaking up. " Bye. " Joe stood still for a moment hand still on the doorknob. " Yeah, whatever bye. " He said quickly before he closed the door and let out a sigh. What the fuck? He tried to shake the whole thing off while walking to his own apartment but it kept repeating in his head.

omgogmto ok so i have so many things to actually add to this fanfic and im actually planning to make this fanfic like super long if i can hold it until then anyways bye 👊🏼😔

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