Chapter 3

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~Malina was about to tell me, but then my mom called me~


Y/M: Y/n?

Y/N: Yes mom?

Y/M: Could you and Malina go and get something to eat. Your dad and I will be late and there is nothing home. So I left you some money on the counter for you to go and have dinner with Malina. Ok?

Y/N: Ok mom. Love you, bye.

Y/M: Bye!


MALINA: So what's up?

Y/N: We have to go and grab dinner. My parents won't be home until later at night probably.

MALINA: ok, so let's go.

*Y/n and Malina took their phones, money and the keys and left*


~Y/n doesn't know about this but my secret is going to be revealed today at dinner because I know where we are having dinner and there will be someone waiting for us there that I know~

Y/N: So Malina?


Y/N: Will you tell me what's up? With all this secret?

MALINA: You will have to wait until we get home.

Y/N: Why?

MALINA: Because I say so.

Y/N: Fine.

~I hope she won't get mad at me.~


~I was starting to get a little mad and upset because I hate when people keep secrets from me. We were walking without talking. I noticed Malina checking her phone every now and then until we got to like a small restaurant that I don't even know about.~

Y/N: Malina were are we?

MALINA: Come with me and you will see.

Y/N: Malina you are starting to scare me.

MALINA: No need to be scared, just follow me.

~I followed her in. It was all very dark until I saw my mom sitting there on a table with a bunch of other people who I didn't know.~

Y/N: Mom? Dad? What's going on? Who are all of these people?

Y/M: Y/n please sit down.

*Malina and Y/n sat down at a table*

MALINA: Y/n this is the producer and director from A Series Of Unfortunate Events.

Y/N: Nice to meet you.

*They looked at Y/n and smiled waiting for Malina to continue talking*

MALINA: Well, I knew you liked acting and that you are a huge fan of ASOUE so I talked to them and you will be part of the cast in season 4.

~I was shook. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was so happy.~

Y/N: Wait what? Really?

DIRECTOR: Malina talked a lot about you on set and also showed us some videos about you acting and we loved you're acting.

Y/N: I can't believe this. When will we start filming?

PRODUCER: In 2 weeks. You and Malina will take a plane from LA to Vancouver and filming will begin. 

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