Chapter 9

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~Yes, as always! Avi guested Dylan! Urghh! I made myself look bad again! Johnny looked at me with a surprised look and then hugged me. I felt my face turn even more red!~

DYLAN:  Hi Y/n!

*Y/n stands up and walks over to her bed*

Y/N: Hi*screams*

~I was blushing again. I was mad at myself. So I didn't want to appear on the live stream that's why I went to my bed.~

AVI: *Reads a comment out loud* Y/n is blushing again because of Dylan!!!

Y/N: I'm not!

DYLAN: Y/n can't be blushing because of me guys! Her boyfriend is with her in the room, so it might be because of him.

Y/N: Dylan don't invent things! Johnny and I are just friends!

JOHNNY: We aren't dating!

DYLAN: Yeah right!

AVI: Well I don't know if they are but I ship it!

DYLAN: Me too!

*They kept talking for 20 more minutes*

DYLAN: I have to go, guys! Bye!

AVI: Bye Dylan!

JOHNNY: Bye dude!

*Dylan leaves the live stream*

*They end the live stream*

Y/N: Now you are friends with Dylan?

JOHNNY: Well yeah, he is a cool guy and he is also Canadian!

Y/N: Omg Johnny! I'm going downstairs to the others!

*Y/n goes downstairs and Avi and Johnny behind her*

MALINA: Guys we are about to post the youtube videoooo!!!!!

ANNIE: 3...2...1...Posted!!

LAUREN: Omg I feel that we are kind off exposed!

Y/N: We basically are!

~My phone buzzed and it was an Instagram notification. I went into Instagram and saw an edit of pictures of Dylan, Johnny and me with a clip of me blushing because of Dylan and then me hugging Johnny. Johnny saw the edit too and so did the others.~

MALINA: Omg I ship you with Johnny but also with Dylan!

AVI: Me too!

ANNIE: That edit is very cute.*Annie likes the edit and comments " I love this and I loves Y/n's reaction"*

Y/N: I'm gonna kill you Annie!!!

*Johnny got a phone call*

JOHNNY: Lauren and I need to go! 

LAUREN: Are they here to pick us up?


*Lauren and Johnny hugged everyone*

~Johnny came over to me and hugged me. He hugged me very tight and then he placed a kiss on my cheek and he whispered goodbye. I was blushing.*

LAUREN: Bye! Thanks for all!


*They left*

ANNIE: What was that?

Y/N: What?

ANNIE: With Johnny!!

Y/N: Ehh...Nothing!

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