Chapter Five

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Across an angel glass bridge, Alduin's palace rested upon a small hill on it's own personal island. It was surrounded by miles of towering trees. His signature crimson flower, Nightingale, dotted the tall grass. The flower was closed to the harsh sun beating down upon them. They only opened their petals under the pale wash of moonlight.

Through the arched, doorless entry was a palace that mirrored the very essence of Atlantis. The breeze that flowed through his domain carried scents from the mainland and the encompassing sea. It rustled crimson petals and vibrant leaves along the floor. Above our heads, massive dryad wood beams were etched in intricate Atlantean symbols. Fuschia bougainvillea vines flowered on the length of the beams, crawling down marble pillars. Blue crystal pulsed in swirls on the tan floors.

I held Remi's hand in the great hall of Alduin's palace. Together we watched Keegan pass through the crowd of fae and kneel before Alduin.

Artemisia, the Queen Goddess, stood at her son's side inspecting her pointed black nails in boredom. I could only guess that she was still bitter that her son led the coronation and not her.

Summer King Durin removed his crown and passed it to Alduin. Pride gleamed in his sunburst eyes.

Remi's arms were crossed over his chest, but he kept quickly swiping under his eyes.

"Are you okay?" I squeezed his hand.

"Of course." He smiled. "I'm just so proud of him. This moment is years in the making."

"And you stood by his side this whole time. Just think, you'll be chief advisor to the most powerful man in your court."

"You know I don't care about that, Ren. I just want to lend him a wise word whenever I can, and cool his Summer nature when needed."

"Speaking of which, I still feel your Winter intermixed with the Summer. Your touch is mainly warm, but occasionally cold will take over." I noted.

"Since I currently belong to the Summer Court, that side of me is in control."

"Arise, Keegan." Alduin's booming voice quieted us. "The full force of Summer now dwells within you. You are no longer a Prince, but King. The very essence of Summer." He placed the crown on Keegan's head. The fae erupted into cheers and applause.

I wanted to cheer with them, yelling and waving erratically as they did. But such behavior was not becoming of Winter. I was permitted a slow clap.

Dahlia leaned over and whispered in my ear, "I hope you're ready for your coronation tomorrow. You're the last of the new monarchs to be crowned. The real fun begins."

She was right. Ash, the new Shadow King, had been crowned monarch of the Shadow Court months ago. Solaria, the Seelie Queen, was crowned after him. Then Dahlia, Keegan, and lastly me. We were the new generation of monarchs. For centuries, possibly thousands of years, we would rule our people, rage war, and wager peace. Giddiness bubbled under my skin at the thought.

"I bestow my love and affections upon you, Summer King. May the gods and goddesses of this pantheon bless your people abundantly." Artemisia, known to the fae as the Great Mother, seared the crowd with her dark murky eyes.

"Let the festitives commence! I hope you will stay and enjoy yourselves in my palace. There are hundreds of rooms for your enjoyment should you need them." Alduin's lilac eyes were filled with mischief. He swept long honey blonde hair over his shoulder. The white blonde angel at his side peered up at him, her silver gaze lingering longer than necessary.

"You heard His Grace; let the drinking and dancing commence!" Exhilaration lit Keegan's face. His eyes landed on us and his face broke into a dazzling smile. He pushed through the chaos to us. He pulled Remi into a tight embrace, slapping his back.

I noticed the slip of a whisper from the dryad, Alduin give me strength.

My head whipped to the purple eyed god. He nodded in the direction of Remi.

Keegan released his best friend, but not without kissing his cheek. Clueless Keegan didn't seem to hear the gasp from Remi.

He turned and lifted me up into the air, kissing me senselessly. Overwhelming heat burned my lips.

I yelped, "Holy shit, Keegan! That hurts." I untangled myself from his arms and rubbed my rapidly frosting lips. The cool soothed the pain, and the skin repaired itself.

"You must forgive me. I don't know my own strength." He teased.

"Oh hush." I shoved him. "You know my coronation will be nothing like this. The Fates will be invited and if anyone makes a sound, they'll be thrown off the mountain or beheaded."

They shared a laugh.

"I'm not joking."

"Well thank the gods above that I'm Summer and not Winter." Keegan winked.

"I'm rather fond of the harshness." A comfortable silence settled between us.

"The night is ours, my friends. What shall we do now?" Keegan radiated sheer joy. I'd never seen him happier. Remi and I gazed at him like he was the sun we orbited around.

"I want to dance and drink and lose myself. No responsibilities tonight." I breathed the reply.

Remi's cheerful disposition retreated when he looked at me. We knew that after tomorrow, everything would change. We were no longer just three best friends frolicking in the forests or sneaking to Alduin's hot springs.

"I can make that happen, my Queen." Keegan took our hands.


We danced in the great hall until our feet bled and the breath was knocked from our lungs. I drank more spiceberry wine than I thought I could handle. Daylight waned into inky night.

We said our goodbyes to Alduin and Artemisia. I caught the pointed glance Alduin gave Keegan. I wondered how much wisdom hid in those lovely lilac eyes of his. Upon thinking this, the God's face settled on me and he wiggled his eyebrows. Show off, I snorted.

Keegan slipped his arm through ours and led us back to his forests. I dropped his hand at the line that split the wildflower field of Alduin's land from the golden haze of the Summer forest.

"Why do you hesitate?" Keegan's chest rapidly rose and fell with each swift breath.

Remi and I shared similar expressions. The new Summer King was oblivious, as usual. His eyes swam with a spiceberry wine fog.

"It's hard for me to think clearly in the Summer lands, and you are already beyond intoxicated."

"We all are." Remi smirked. His soft but deep voice drew Keegan's attention.

He put his hand on his heart, speaking dramatically. "I know, Ren, but she calls me. I need to be amongst my people, surrounded by our land. Summer fills every facet of my being. The power, the warmth - it's what I was meant for. I just want to experience her fully." He spun in a graceful circle.

I laughed heartily, shaking my head.

"Come, my loves! Let us dance the night away!" He fled into the Summer forest with his hands in the air. He peeled his tunic off and flung it back to us. His form disappeared into the treeline, his drunken laughter fading.

Remi blew out a breath and took my hand. "Come on, I'll keep him out of any real trouble. Both of you."

Together we chased after the Summer King. As we always have. And always will.

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