Chapter Six

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We found Keegan twirling around a blazing bonfire near the streams that flowed from his temple. The steady sound of a beating drum and a sweet flute serenaded the fae dancing with him. My head was swimming, already toasty warm, thanks to the Summer atmosphere.

Upon seeing us, hand in hand, a grin brightened his features. I had expected a grimace or perhaps a frown. But between the spiceberry wine and his newfound Summer power, he was now at a level above carefree.

He slipped through the clusters of people and jumped into Remi's arms, sending them - and me - flying backwards.

Rare, smooth laughter penetrated the hazy air. Remi gazed up at the Summer King and continued to bellow. Before long, all three of us lay together, shaking in fits of unadulterated happiness. No one paid us any attention.

Keegan abruptly paused, realizing he still straddled Remi. I flipped onto my side and resisted the urge to squeal excitedly. Something undeniably strong passed between them. I tried to still the pounding of my heart, but I never thought a moment like this would happen.

Remi did something unexpected. He smiled gently, and then turned to me. He gripped my chin in his hand and brought my face closer to his mouth.

Seconds passed, shifting to minutes as I waited for him to kiss me in front of the Summer King. Winter and Summer fought the dryad for control, rushing blinding heat and wonderful cold from his fingertips.

The excruciating wait was over. Remi dipped his head lower and crushed his lips against mine. His all-consuming kiss warmed the ice covering my skin. His mouth left me breathless, bringing blood pulsing to the surface. I cupped the base of his neck, running my tongue along his.

When he pulled away, I exhaled noisily and touched my swollen lips. Winter caused snowflakes to drift from my hair. I growled low in my throat. I didn't want to give his kisses up, but I needed to see Keegan's face.

Their eyes were locked onto each other once more. I took the Summer King's hand and squeezed it. He lifted his other arm, and his palm grazed Remi's cheek. My eyes popped open. Is this really happening?

Why do I want to kiss you right now, my dear Remi? I nearly choked on my breath at Keegan's clear heart cry in my head.

"Kiss him!" I commanded Remi. But he seemed frozen. His heart thumped hard, and his aura shifted darker.

He bucked his hips, dumping Keegan next to me. He didn't pause to give us an explanation. He jumped to his feet and shot into the forest, leaving us laying next to each other, immensely confused.

I pushed off the ground and dashed after him. I hopped over large, sprawling tree roots gaining speed on him. I shoved a bioluminescent mushroom, taller than my head, from my path.

I nearly collided into Remi's solid back when he stopped deep in the Summer forest. He paced in between two trees, tugging at his long dreads.

"Remi, it's okay." I whispered only to him, knowing Keegan would soon find us.

"I feel like a stupid child, but I'm so scared, Ren. I don't want to do something to mess this up. This might be our only chance to explore...whatever this is."

"Listen to me, Remington. Nothing you could do would ruin this moment, alright? You know he is feeling this too. I heard his heart's whisper."

"And? What did it say? I was too damn nervous to hear anything."

"He was conflicted but he wanted to kiss you too."

His eyes lit up.

"Hey, what happened back there?" Keegan was out of breath, but his face still appeared eager.  His burnt amber eyes sparkled, glancing from me to Remi. His skin gleamed like sunlight was trapped underneath.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." Remi explained. I shot him a death glare.

"You were going to kiss me." Keegan's husky voice tantalized me. I forced Winter magicka through my veins to cool my boiling desires. My insides melted into molten turmoil. I waved my hand over my body, and a flurry of snow coated me.

"I'm sorry, Rajhaan." He used the Atlantean word for King.

Keegan shook his head and approached Remi. He took slow, deliberate steps until the dryad's back was against a thick golden tree trunk.

"You're sorry for what?"

I moved to Remi's side and took his hand for support.

"For nearly kissing you. I know your true feelings lie with Ren." His voice held traces of sadness. The shaky timbre made me lean my head on his shoulder. I hoped my touch, as frigid as it was, gave him strength to remain there with us.

"What was that you said about the Summer forest and inhibitions, Ren? Perhaps I'm too drunk to overanalyze this. But as confusing as this is to me, I want to…" Keegan took Remi's face in his large hands and pressed his lips to his. A tiny squeal escaped me and my heart melted in my chest at the sight.

Keegan kissed him in the intentionally measured way that irritated yet excited me. For all of Remi's soft-spoken quiet-strength, he was used to taking the lead. He usually commanded my mouth as if the world itself was burning around us.

Instead, he bowed to the Summer King's torturous, fire starting pace. Lips gliding fluidly upon Keegan's like he memorized every second. For all I knew, he probably was.

I broke away from the tree and immediately cast a heavy glamour around the surrounding area. I gazed in utter joy at the scene unfolding before me. Keegan's body melded with Remi's, their hands frantically grabbing at each other's clothes.

I longed to stay and demand we take this to the next level. But somehow I knew we weren't ready for that and I was pleasantly okay with that fact. I didn't know what would happen next between them, but I knew this is where I would leave them. To simply enjoy each other. Whatever that meant for them.

And for me to return to the Winter lands and plan for the day we would all be together as one. I swiped a happy tear from under my eye and slipped away under the cover of the glowing mushrooms.

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