Chapter Five: Welcome to BF5, Owen

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"Owen, I think it be best for you to follow me back to the Hub." Braedey asked Owen. "But, can I trust you with what you'll see?"

"Dude. You saved my life. I trust you." Owen said to him.

"Very well, then." Braedey nodded to Owen, then helps him jury-rig the trailer up to the latter's truck. "If you can follow me, all will be explained when we arrive."

With that, the white/blue racecar drives across the desert with the blue Ford pickup truck following behind it, heading off to the Hub.


At the Hub, Braedey and Owen pull up to a stop in an open bay, the latter looking rather shocked and surprised by the sheer construction of the base. At the same time, he noticed Sage working on her holoscreen and computer.

"Sage, I'm back. I've rescued the missing person from the stormshock." Braedey announces to the Sentient, who floats down to ground level, and sees the blonde male. "This is Owen Quinn. Owen, this is Sage, a Sentient being, and the being responsible for my ride, the Transformer." He introduces.

"So, what happens with me now?" Owen asks Braedey and Sage.

Sage soon becomes very serious, and she begins to explain everything about the multiverse, the Battlezones, the Battle Key, Vandals, Sark, and even her own race. In addition, she explained about Braedey and his own past, which is a bit of a surprise for Owen to learn his rescuer is a shapeshifting hero that can turn into robots in disguise, and he has saved many planets in his own reality and universe.

"Okay, let me get this straight." Owen massages his brow. "You two are telling me that you and this whole Battle Force 5 group fight off against a mutated animals that can talk and hunt, and killer alien robots in hopes that you save the 'multiverse'?" A rather crude way of summing it up, but more or less accurate. "And to get the one-up on evil, you'd want me to join your BF5 and kick some freakshow butt." Owen leans back against his blue Ford. "Have I got that right?" He asked the Sentient.

"Tolerably." Sage replies to him. "Your family even has some connections with my race, for they were the very first human beings that have made contact with us."

Braedey realises something, walks over to the trailer, then he pulls out the fossilised Battle Key. "Sage, would this by what you mean?" He asked, walking up to the Sentient.

Sage looks over at the old key, and picks it up. She eyes it in curiosity, then her eyes widen in surprise. "This... this is an ancient Battle Key, possibly dating back... around 120 million years ago." She explains to him.

"Wow, a fair amount of time has gone by." Braedey commented to Sage. He turns to Owen. "So, does your family actually have any connections with the Sentients at all?" He asked him.

"Well, from what I could remember, I think my mother and father found that old Battle Key somewhere in the badlands of Montana, but they weren't exactly sure of what it was, and plus, I don't really remember much." Owen explains to Braedey and Sage. "The Key was just taking up space back home for over a few years, so when I got my license and got my first truck, I decided to take anything that was taking space in my parent's home."

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