The wedding

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Lisa P.O.V

So hi, my name is Lalisa Manoban or just Lisa. Today I will be marrying Jennie Kim a teacher at the high school that I go to. She's not a bad person at all which makes me happy. I just don't know why I have to marry her now, I'm just 17 years old. Now don't get me wrong she is very very very beautiful, but why now?

Anyways here I am waiting for her at the alter all dressed up in my nice tuxedo. I must say I am very nervous I mean who wouldn't be? This is my wedding after all.

"Now if you all would please rise up as the bride makes her way down the isle."

That snapped me out of my own world and I turned my head to the right just slightly. I saw the doors slowly open revealing her....

She looks so beautiful in her white dress, holding a bouquet of yellow roses, my favorite color....

As she reaches me she turns to look at me and she gives me a cute yet pretty gummy smile. Yep I have no problem at all marrying her if I can see that smile for the rest of my life. She grabs my hand as we face the priest.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Jennie Kim and Lalisa Manoban on this beautiful day." Blah blah blah blah. Some more words that I don't care about so let's just skip to the I do's now shall we.

"Now it's time for the vows. Jennie will you go first?"the priest asked Jennie.

"Lisa I know we don't really know each other very well but I can promise you this. I will be loyal to you and I'll be humble towards you for after this day we will share our lives together. One day we will have a family and I want to look back to this day as one of the best days of my life. I must say it is an honor marrying someone as special as you. You inspire me and I promise to love you till the day I die... that's if you'll allow me to. I love you Lalisa Manoban"

Hot dog man what kind of fool would I be to not marry her? She basically said she will love me for the rest of my life. That seems like a hell of a good idea, count me in.

I lightly remove my hand from her so that I may tell her my vow.

"Jennie Kim, I know that I'm 17 years old but I'm not like other kids my age. Today I marry you, a woman who is 23. To me age does not matter but love does. So if you'll love me for the rest of my life, I guess I'll have to love you for the rest of eternity. For one I will never hurt you at least not on purpose. I just hope that whatever the case is that we can come out of it stronger because I love you too Jennie Kim and if you'll allow me then I would love to be your husband. " I signed to her while a translator spoke the words that I couldn't speak.

Yeah.... I can't talk... shocker right? Maybe one day if I'm lucky.

"Now Jennie Kim will you take Lalisa Manoban as your husband?"

She looked lovingly into my eyes and said the two words that I desperately needed to hear. "I do"

"And do you Lalisa Manoban take Jennie Kim as your wife?"

I gaze into her eyes and signed "I do"

"Now by the power vested in me I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Lalisa Manoban! You may now kiss the bride"

I pulled her in closer by her hips and put my right hand under her chin guiding her lips to mine and I placed a very gentle and loving kiss on her lips. Well before she grabbed me and dipped me down like a bride and deepened the kiss.

Well you can imagine the embarrassment I felt but the happiness that I felt in that moment couldn't make me mad.

In the back you can here cheering and clapping going on and that made my heart burst with joy.

Wow I'm married to Jennie Kim wait no I'm married to Jennie Kim Manoban. Only problem is, is that high school starts next week. How the hell am I gonna pretend that there's nothing going on between us? She's my wife for god sakes how can I keep my hands away from her?

Oh god help me for this woman might be the death of me.... well it's not like I'm complaining anyways.

Let's just see where this goes. Now shall we?


Sooo hi my burritos this is the first chapter as you can tell. I've been wanting to write this for awhile. I need more help though so if you can dm me for more ideas of where this book should go that would be very much appreciated.

Until next time,

Bye my little burritos 🖖🏽


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